6560 examples of european in sentences


These were inspired by the spirit of chivalry, which, though considered, commonly, as a wild institution, the effect of caprice, and the source of extravagance, arose naturally from the state of society at that period, and had a very serious influence in refining the manners of the European nations.

The progress of science and the cultivation of literature had considerable effect in changing the manners of the European nations, and introducing that civility and refinement by which they are now distinguished.

The constant rivalry and ever recurring wars between Francis and the latter, occupy a great part of European history during the first half of the 16th century.

I was five hundred miles from the nearest European settlement.

My heart was full, and I question if any European landlord ever got so warm a reception from his tenantry, as I received from my slaves.

And now Diaz was coming down to give a pianoforte recital in the Jubilee Hall at Hanbridge; Diaz, the darling of European capitals; Diaz, whose name in seven years had grown legendary; Diaz, the Liszt and the Rubenstein of my generation, and the greatest interpreter of Chopin since Chopin diedDiaz!

The common European type, but in this country far less common than its varieties.

European Ferns.

It consisted mainly of old-fashioned smooth-bore guns, a system of artillery which has been rejected by every European power as the weakest and most inefficient.

Provisions were high, and, through the stoppage of European commerce, the cost of imported articles, such as dress-goods, tea, etc., became excessive.

From Galata, the European shore of the Bosphorus forms one continued line of towns; palaces in every style of architecture, pleasure gardens, and romantic villages.

At their left, beyond the blue mountains of Oropesa, which bound the Valencian gulf, he could see in imagination Barcelona, where he had numerous friends, Marseilles, that prolongation of the Orient fastened on the European coast, and Genoa with its terraced palaces on hills covered with gardens.

An atlas of European history from the 2nd to the 20th century.

An atlas of European history from the 2nd to the 20th century.

A survey of European civilization.

FERGUSON, WALLACE K. SEE A Survey of European civilisation: ancient times to the present.

In the European countries, prices in terms of gold, tho fluctuating somewhat, kept at about the same level from 1860 to 1870.

In some of the better-paying occupations in which large numbers of negroes were found in the North soon after the Civil War, such as barbering, waiting on table in the best hotels, and skilled manual work, they have been largely displaced by European immigrants.

It seems probable that if European immigration were to be stopped that a very large migration of negroes from the South to the North and the West would occur to take places hitherto filled by unskilled immigrant workers.

In the year 1915, following the check to immigration as a result of the European war, a very marked movement of this kind set in.

Not to be outdone, Vasco made him a present of some glass beads, strung in the form of necklaces and bracelets; also some mirrors, copper bells, and similar European trifles.

The cacique received a number of articles of European manufacture, and the greatest mutual satisfaction prevailed.

In exchange for their presents, the Admiral gave them some European gifts, such as strings of beads, mirrors, needles, pins, and other objects unknown to them.

In order to gain their confidence, the Admiral ordered some European articles to be distributed gratuitously amongst them.

6560 examples of  european  in sentences