68 examples of everson in sentences

Meantime, said I, Wareham had kindly offered to accommodate M. Zola at his residence at Wimbledon, while M. Desmoulin might sleep close by at the house of Mr. Everson (Wareham's managing clerk), who also disposed of a spare bedroom.

Then, on passing the Alexandra Road, I explained to Desmoulin that he would sleep there, at No. 20, where Wareham has a local office and where his managing clerk, Everson by name, resides.

I there left him in charge of his host, Mr. Everson, and then turning (by way of a short cut) into the Lover's Walk, which the South Western Railway Company so considerately provides for amorous Wimbledonians, I hurried homeward, wondering what the morrow would bring forth.

The door suddenly opened, and I fell into the arms of Everson, Wareham's managing clerk.

Then I told Everson all that had befallen me.

Everson puffed away at his pipe and listened meditatively.

The first likeness I sketched must have been a faithful one, for Everson started, and exclaimed, 'And the other.

repeated Everson; and again he described the men in such a way as to convince me that there was no mistake in the matter.

Ten minutes ago I could have sworn that those men were after me.' 'Your statement that you never saw them before,' said Everson, 'does not surprise me.

Then had come an incident that Everson already know of: a stranger with divers aliases beseeching me for private interviews in M. Zola's interest, a request which I ultimately granted, and which led to a rather curious experience.


The secret cave, by Florence McClurg Everson and Howard H. Everson.

The secret cave, by Florence McClurg Everson and Howard H. Everson.

Florence McClurg Everson & Howard H. Everson (A); 5Dec57; R204170.

Florence McClurg Everson & Howard H. Everson (A); 5Dec57; R204170.

EVERSON, HOWARD H., joint author.

SEE Everson, Florence McClurg.

SEE Everson, Florence McClurg.


William Oliver Everson (Brother Antoninus) (A); 9Jan67; R401755.

By George Everson.

George Everson (A); 19Nov76; R646616.

SEE Everson, Florence McClurg.

SEE Everson, Florence McClurg.

SEE Everson, Florence McClurg.

68 examples of  everson  in sentences