162 examples of every detail of in sentences

But at Quebec the scene, the setting, and the unheard-of innovation itself all give a special interest to every detail of the opening ceremony on the 17th of December 1792.

"I'm allowed every possible chance, for one month, to forget every detail of the big grind which for a short time I've left behind.

The prevailing effect was of women everywhere carrying onmaking no parade of it, being indeed accustomed to work, and familiar with every detail of the land; having merely added the tasks of their husbands and sons to their own, and asking no praise for it.

Eivé, the dunce of our housed hold, won a Terrestrial picture-book on which she had set her fancy by tracing on a forty-inch globe, the first time she saw it, every detail of my journey from Ecasfe as she had heard me relate it; and Eunané, who had never left her Nursery, could describe beforehand any route I wished to take between the northern and southern ice-belts.

I lit my pipe, endeavoring to appear entirely at ease, as I turned over and over again in mind every detail of the contemplated action.

With her heart beating painfully Ida looked at her, noting with a woman's quickness every detail of the handsome face with its wealth of bronze-gold hair.

Directly, however, that Victor half turned away, saying "I have found a friend for you, my dear," Sofia, following his glance, discovered a woman whose every detail of dress and deportment was unmistakably of the fashionable world and whose face carried souvenirs of loveliness as unmistakable.

'And then, Monsieur de Laval, there is another drawer for canals, bridges, roads, manufactures, and every detail of internal administration.

She saw, as she had seen a hundred times, every detail of his large, handsome and yet time-worn face, every hair of his impressive moustache, all the melting shades of colour in his dark eyes.

* Recognise the truth in yourself, recognise yourself in the truth; and in the same moment you will find, to your astonishment, that the home which you have long been looking for in vain, which has filled your most ardent dreams, is there in its entirety, with every detail of it true, in the very place where you stand.

"Yes, you look very nice, very nice indeed," he said, after a grave inspection that took in every detail of face and figure.

In a dream of loss he gazes upon her, as the angels lift up the flower-garnished sheet; and not only her face, but every detail of that room of death is etched in tears upon his eyes,the distant winding stair, the pallid death-lamps, the intruding light of day.

Why the man's figure, features, every detail of his dress was photographed on Jim's heart.

In every detail of practical life they regarded the prophet and his contemporaries as their ruling ideal, and therefore naturally assumed that the constitutional practices of the prophet were his own invention.

They seem to be able to discover every detail of our plans.

Or, if I did not, I do not now minutely recollect every detail of that morning's occupations.

'It is a pity the luck doesn't come our way, because every detail of equipment is right.

It's a pity the luck doesn't come our way, because every detail of equipment is right.

He loved her, had loved her since Thimble Island, when she had spoiled his foreground by eliminating every detail of foreground and background by becoming both.

In the dazzling light, under the brilliant blue of the sky, every detail of the magnificent forest was vivid to the eye: the great trees, the network of bush ropes, the caverns of greenery, where thick-leaved vines covered all things else.

I behaved exactly as if I were proposing actually to carry it out, and my life or liberty depended on its successexcepting that I made full notes of every detail of the scheme.

When she was asked to present a pair of colors to a company, he attended to every detail of obtaining the flag, and when "Mrs. Washington ... perceived the Tomb of her Father ... to be much out of Sorts" he wrote to get a workman to repair it.

If the servant comes after I am gone, you must remember every detail of what he says, and you must also arrange a little matter with him.

Amusing to me still is the contrast between those Cumberland walks with Sir George and my ramblings over the same or nearly the same ground with the meditative Swedenborgian doctor;the first always pushing ahead as if shouldering along a victorious path through life, knowing the history of every foot of ground he passed over, interested in every detail of it, and with an air of continually saying "Ha! ha!"

He performed every detail of all religious customs and ceremonies with painstaking conscientiousness; he fasted every Monday and Thursdayonly on Sabbaths and feast days did he indulge in meat or wine; his time was passed in prayer and study; by day he taught the Law to students, whom his fame had drawn to Bacharach; and by night he gazed on the stars in heaven, or into the eyes of Beautiful Sara.

162 examples of  every detail of  in sentences