51 examples of exam in sentences

"The beggar's got the next study, and he's cramming up for some 'exam.'Go

So off went J.W. with his armful, and for a week thereafter you might have supposed he was cramming for a final exam of some sort.

Secondly, I had been reading the fish books that my father bought for me as a gift for getting a distinction in my SSC exam.

He'd sometimes cram for an exam., but seldom knew a word in it.

"Been baking my brains over a lot of silly little exam questions," complained Peter.

[measuring degree of learning of pupils] test, examination, exam; final exam, mid-term exam grade [result of measurement of learning], score, marks; A,B,C,D,E,F; gentleman's C; pass, fail, incomplete. homework; take-home lesson; exercise for the student; theme, project.

[measuring degree of learning of pupils] test, examination, exam; final exam, mid-term exam grade [result of measurement of learning], score, marks; A,B,C,D,E,F; gentleman's C; pass, fail, incomplete. homework; take-home lesson; exercise for the student; theme, project.

[measuring degree of learning of pupils] test, examination, exam; final exam, mid-term exam grade [result of measurement of learning], score, marks; A,B,C,D,E,F; gentleman's C; pass, fail, incomplete. homework; take-home lesson; exercise for the student; theme, project.

He was going to coach up and pass a special exam the day before the game.

Such groups of people who had studied together or passed the exams together, had already begun to play a role in politics in the nineteenth century.

"He flunked his English exam, to-day.

' The evils of indiscriminate education and the follies of our grotesque examination system were one of Gissing's favourite topics of denunciation in later years, as evidenced in this characteristic passage in his later manner in this same book: 'She talked only of the "exam," of her chances in this or that "paper," of the likelihood that this or that question would be "set.

"Swift, Exam., No. 21.

" "What chance would I have in a competitive exam.

" "It's scarcely to be expected he'll give you leave to attend the exam...." "He won't," said Lewisham shortly, and opened his first exercise book.

Lord, but I've often imagined you outdoors driving around in the open air and enjoying life when I've been plugging up for some beastly exam.

In the "May Exam.," a really good imitation of the "May Queen," the departing undergraduate thus addresses his "gyp": "When the men come up again, Filcher, and the Term is at its height, You'll never see me more in these long gay rooms at night; When the "old dry wines" are circling, and the claret-cup flows cool,

'I am afraid she drew her own conclusions about High Schools.' 'Oh, Miss Elmore, you used to like us to be thorough and not discursive, and how could anybody brought up in this stultifying place, ages ago, know what will tell in an exam?' 'Oh! Arthurine.

I'm meant for something beyond that, or what are intellect and artistic faculty given for? L. You could read for Cambridge exam.

I know he set me on my legs for my exam.

In consequence of my new "pluck,"in the Bar Exam? "Um!" remarks the President (I have run down and got a vacant bed-room in College).

Which of these words are in good use? Pianist, harpist, poloist, violinist, phiz, ad, co-ed, curios, exam, cab, chum, gent, hack, gym, pants, mob, phone, proxy, photo, prelim, van, prof, varsity.

Wish I had known this before I began to grind for the Bar Exam.

"By the way, he's stewing indoors, studying for that exam, which he isn't going to pass.

The exam, is safe, eh?" "I trust so," said Frank; "the list will not come just yet; but I am told I am certain of a passindeed, that I stand high as to numbers.

51 examples of  exam  in sentences