473 examples of excavations in sentences

There were many large and beautiful trees that had to be taken up and removed; and, when this work was completed, the excavations for the foundations and the cellar were undertaken.

The recent careful excavations have laid bare the evidence of what must have been a most imposing city, and many treasures of pottery, coins and ancient jewellery and ornaments, together with large quantities of the bones of animals, some of them identical with the wild cattle of Chillingham, have been brought to light.

He was buried with much mourning and great pomp in the Abbey at Hexham; and during the recent excavations the fact of a Saxon interment was verified as having taken place beneath the beautiful tomb which tradition has always held to be that of King Alfwald the Just.

Excavations here many years ago brought to light a jasper ball, some fragments of a coarse kind of pottery, and some oaken armlets.

At Black Carts farm, which the Wall now passes, the first turret discovered on the line of the Wall after the excavations had begun, and interest in the subject was revived, was here laid bare by Mr. Clayton in 1873.

The recent excavations since 1906 have resulted in the finding of many interesting relics, including some hundreds of coins, amongst which were forty-eight gold pieces, of later Roman date, ranging from those of Valentinian I. to those of Magnus Maximus.

Here no excavations have yet been made, and the site is grass grown and desolate although the outlines of the station may be distinctly traced.

Our four men died early in December and were buried in excavations in the side of the mountain.

Excavations have also been made about the base of all the more remarkable ledges and peaks of rock, while additional material has been conveyed to their sides and summits to increase their size and dignity.

These mines have been very imperfectly worked till within a few years; but it is found, that, as the work goes deeper, the quality of the coal improves, and in some of the later excavations is equal to the best coals of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and will undoubtedly prove a source of immense wealth to the State.

Lytton wrote the novel some thirty years before the excavations of Pompeii had been systematically begun; but his pictures of the life, the luxuries, the pastimes and the gaiety of the half-Grecian colony, its worship of Isis, its trade with Alexandria, and the early struggles of Christianity with heathen superstition are exceptionally vivid.

Carthage and her Remains: being an Account of the Excavations and Researches on the Site of the Phoenician Metropolis in Africa and other Adjacent Places.

Also whenever the pair were able to dig, which was only at intervals, a bunch of convicts was always perched on the heap of dirt from various legitimate excavations within the yard, which Fate had piled up at that precise spot.

Whether the constituents of the atmosphere are chemically or mechanically combined,one of the things about which the learned are not fully agreed,it is found to be chemically the same in its constituents, all over the world, whether collected on mountains or on plains, on the sea or on the land, whether obtained by aëronauts miles above the earth or by miners in their deepest excavations.

PETERSON, ENOCH E., joint author. Karanis, topographical and architectural report of excavations during the seasons 1924-28.

MANASSEH, N. E. Second preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Iraq. SEE Waterman, Leroy.

Second preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Iraq, by Leroy Waterman, R. J. Braidwood.

The excavations at Dura-Europos, conducted by Yale University & the French Academy of Inscriptions & Letters.

Excavations at Olympus.

Excavations at Nuzi.

Excavations at Nessana.

A third tradition details the subsequent discovery of Enoch's deposit by King Solomon, whilst making excavations in Mount Calvary, during the building of the temple.

He was also greatly interested in Babylonian and Assyrian archaeology, and I believe he assisted for some time in the excavations at Birs Nimroud.

SOURCES OF THE MATERIAL With the exception of certain mythological explanations supplied by the inscriptions and reliefs in the temples, our knowledge of Egyptian ideas in regard to the future life is based on funerary customs as revealed by excavations and on the funerary texts found in the tombs.

The anatomical examination by Professor Elliot Smith of a large number of skeletons, dated by careful excavations, has given us a further clue.

473 examples of  excavations  in sentences