13343 examples of exclaim in sentences

You need not throw up your hands and exclaim: 'Falcon is the worst of all.'" "Oh, Mr. Falcon, so you still remember," Apollonie exclaimed.

"Sometimes a troubled father was heard to exclaim: 'If only the first battles were fought and won!'

One is almost inclined to exclaim: Providence caused some of the fruits of this blood-lashing to be reaped in Germany!

The colt ate the sugar, and all the time eyed her with his quiet, observing glance, that made her exclaim: "What a wise-looking colt!"

For the McDougallians look upon the world with two eyes and see it whole and broadthe Freudians see through their telescope a circular field and exclaim that they behold the universe.

folks would jestingly exclaim, implying that nothing could resist those Froments, that the whole countryside was theirs by right of conquest, since every two years their number increased.

But the lugubrious vision vanished, and then again before Mathieu's eyes the lawn spread out under the joyous sun, offering between its belt of foliage such a picture of happy health and triumphant beauty, that he felt impelled to break the mournful silence and exclaim: "Look there!

Casting a preparatory glance at the bottom of this articleas the wary connoisseur in prints, with cursory eye (which, while it reads, seems as though it read not,) never fails to consult the quis sculpsit in the corner, before he pronounces some rare piece to be a Vivares, or a Woolletmethinks I hear you exclaim, Reader, Who is Elia?

How I would wake weeping, and in the anguish of my heart exclaim upon sweet Calne in Wiltshire!

I hear somebody exclaim,Would you have Christians sit down at table, like hogs to their troughs, without remembering the Giver?noI would have them sit down as Christians, remembering the Giver, and less like hogs.

Even the twentieth generation may have reason to exclaim, How much more numerous and more powerful would this nation have been, had our ancestors not been betrayed in the expedition to Carthagena!

Perhaps Scott had this saying of Johnson's in mind when he made Earl Douglas exclaim: 'At first in heart it liked me ill, When the King praised his clerkly skill.

they would exclaim.

If the student shows this to one of his average acquaintances who has never given any thought to these things, his friend will undoubtedly exclaim "Tommy rot!"

Indeed in children, in whom of course vaccination has been but comparatively lately performed, small-pox when it occurs will, in the majority of cases, be so mild that the real nature of the disease will be with difficulty determined: so mild, that again and again has a parent been heard to exclaim, "Surely these few scattered pimples cannot be the small-pox!"

I hear some one of my young readers exclaim against the disheartening tendency of what is here said.

he would suddenly exclaim, "did you ever see such blue in your life!"

The little man uttered it with the distinct wooden calmness with which the ingenious Turk used to exclaim, E-chec!

When we applaud the personations of a great actor, we exclaim, as the highest praise, "How true to Nature!"

People exclaim, "There are men for you!"

I ventured to laugh, and exclaim, "Did you see that?" Can Grande.

It brought those old Friends so distinctly before the view of my mind, that my heart was ready to exclaim, 'Surely this is no other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'

And Ronicky Doone heard a panting voice a moment later exclaim: "We've got him!" Chapter Twelve The Strange Bargain Ronicky drew his gun and waited.

Gull Island was only a great sand heap, anchored by rocks and covered with coarse grass; but the children had hardly taken a few steps along the beach when they began to exclaim at the number of strange birds.

We could but utter coarse gibes and exclaim, "What could have induced him to paint such things?

13343 examples of  exclaim  in sentences