15 examples of excrete in sentences

But, though the notion that the Torula is a creature which eats sugar and excretes carbonic acid and alcohol, which is not unjustly ridiculed in the most surprising paper that ever made its appearance in a grave scientific journal, may be untenable, the fact that the Toruloe are alive, and that yeast does not excite fermentation unless it contains living Toruloe, stands fast.

The castings (wormicasts) excreted by these earthworms, as a result, contain nutrients in a form that is readily available to the plants for their growth.

The cell can secrete and excrete substance, and, in brief, presents nearly all the phenomena of a human being.

The skin ranks as an important organ of excretion, its product being sweat, excreted by the sweat glands.

This is double the amount excreted by the lungs, and averages about 1/67 of the weight of the body.

There is a close relationship between the skin and the kidneys, as both excrete organic and saline matter.

In hot weather, or in conditions producing great activity of the skin, the amount of water excreted by the kidneys is diminished.

In cool weather, when the skin is less active, a large amount of water is excreted by the kidneys, as is shown by the experience of those who drive a long distance in severe weather, or who have caught a sudden cold.

Alcoholic liquors excite and irritate the delicate renal membranes, and speedily disturb and eventually destroy their capacity to excrete the proper materials from the blood.

The separation from the blood of the waste matters of the body; also the materials excreted.

V. excrete &c (eject) 297; emanate &c (come out) 295.

That a less amount is excreted by the tea-drinker, when similar quantities are ingested, the weight and plumpness of the body remaining undiminished the while, is proof of the slower change of tissue which takes place under the modifying influence of tea.

None of us will ever eat the whole corpus, but Google can digest it for us and excrete the steaming nuggets of goodness that make it the search-engine miracle it is today.

Because of certain fluids which the roots excrete from their slender extremities; and in this manner the likings and antipathies of certain plants may be accounted for.

All that is likely to produce acrid humours, and an inflamatory or impoverished state of the blood, engenders vicious secretions, which nature struggles to free herself from by the natural outlet of the skin, for this organ is fitted equally, to excrete and secrete.

15 examples of  excrete  in sentences