47 examples of excretion in sentences

Of this cast are those notable observations, that money is not health; riches cannot purchase every thing: the metaphor which makes gold to be mere muck, with the morality which traces fine clothing to the sheep's back, and denounces pearl as the unhandsome excretion of an oyster.

The entire series of chemical changes that take place in the living body, beginning with assimilation and ending with excretion, is included in one word, metabolism.

The tissues, in turn, are made up of countless minute cells, each of which has its birth, lives its brief moment to do its work in the animal economy, is separated from the tissue of which it was a part, and is in due time eliminated by the organs of excretion,the lungs, the skin, or the kidneys.

Thus, the liver ranks above all others as an organ of excretion, that is, it separates material of no further use to the body.

Thus a diet habitually too rich in proteids, as with those who eat meat in excess, often over-taxes the kidneys to get rid of the excess of nitrogenous waste, and the organs of excretion are not able to rid the tissues of waste products which accumulate in the system.

The elimination of these products is brought about by a special apparatus called organs of excretion.

96.Diagrammatic Scheme to illustrate in a very General Way Absorption and Excretion.

The skin ranks as an important organ of excretion, its product being sweat, excreted by the sweat glands.

The amount of this excretion evaporated from the general surface is very considerable, and is modified as becomes necessary from the varied conditions of the temperature.

This explains the increased excretion of the kidneys in cold weather.

We thus learn that the skin covers and protects the more delicate structures beneath it; and that it also serves as an important organ of excretion.

The Malpighian capsules are really the beginning of the tubules, for here the work of excretion begins.

From the capsules, the excretion passes through the tubules into the pelvis, and on through the ureters to the bladder.

It animates and governs all movements, voluntary or involuntary,secretion, excretion, nutrition; in fact all the processes of organic life are subject to its regulating power.

Excretion (Lat. excerno, to separate).

Glands are organs of various shapes and sizes, whose special work it is to separate materials from the blood for further use in the body, the products being known as secretion and excretion.

The means by which secretion and excretion are effected are, however, identical.

Excretion N. excretion, discharge, emanation; exhalation, exudation, extrusion, secretion, effusion, extravasation [Med.], ecchymosis

Excretion N. excretion, discharge, emanation; exhalation, exudation, extrusion, secretion, effusion, extravasation [Med.], ecchymosis

They exhibit the effects of coffee on the excretion of phosphorus, chloride of sodium, (common salt,) and nitrogen.

It would be curious and well worth while to follow out the peculiar connection between the use of coffee and the excretion of phosphorus, which has been before hinted at.

As to catching the residuum of the process, or what we call thought,the gaseous ashes of burned-out thinking,the excretion of mental respiration,that will depend on many things, as, on having a favorable intellectual temperature about one, and a fitting receptacle.

The first excretion of a new-born child is carefully preserved, and under the name of triaca (theriacum) is held to be a highly efficacious and universal remedy for the bites of snakes and mad dogs.

Infusions made from the fresh flowers are gently laxative and aperient; when dry, they are said to promote chiefly the cuticular excretion, and to be particularly serviceable in erysipetalous and eruptive disorders.

While treating his patients by the laying on of hands, he, at the same time, strives to induce in the mind of the patient the mental image of restored health and physical strength; he pictures the diseased organ as restored to health and normal functioning; he sees the entire physiological machinery operating properly, the work of nutrition, assimilation, and excretion going on naturally and normally.

47 examples of  excretion  in sentences