6506 examples of excuse in sentences

Not indeed that England, who has just sustained in Prussia the famous MacDonald negotiation, is in a very good position to show herself difficult in points of courtesy; nevertheless, the errors of Great Britain in Germany do not excuse those of the United States on the ocean.

I do not impugn his intentions, he may have acted very innocently; but if this excuse of ignorance of the rules of the law be valid for him, I think that it should also be so for Captain Wilkes, and that there would be little justice in treating with extreme rigor a first offence which evidently has taken every one by surprise, and has found nowhere a very complete understanding of the conditions of the right of search.

But an excuse of the same kind will serve for the common liar, that he is known, and therefore disbelieved.

"Madam," said he, "you who so often occasion the want of seats to others will the more readily excuse the want of one yourself.

V. not have &c 777; be without &c adj.; excuse.

excuse, exoneration, quittance, release, indemnity; bill of indemnity, act of indemnity, covenant of indemnity, deed of indemnity; exculpation &c (acquittal) 970. longanimity^, placability; amantium irae [Lat.]; locus paenitentiae [Lat.]; forbearance.

V. forgive, forgive and forget; pardon, condone, think no more of, let bygones be bygones, shake hands; forget an injury. excuse, pass over, overlook; wink at &c (neglect) 460; bear with; allow for, make allowances for; let one down easily, not be too hard upon, pocket the affront.

Exemption N. exemption, freedom, irresponsibility, immunity, liberty, license, release, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution, franchise, renunciation, discharge; exculpation &c 970.

V. be exempt &c adj.. exempt, release, acquit, discharge, quitclaim, remise, remit; free, set at liberty, let off, pass over, spare, excuse, dispense with, give dispensation, license; stretch a point; absolve &c (forgive) 918; exonerate &c (exculpate) 970; save the necessity.

extenuation; palliation, palliative; softening, mitigation. reply, defense; recrimination &c 938. apology, gloss, varnish; plea &c 617; salvo; excuse, extenuating circumstances; allowance, allowance to be made; locus paenitentiae [Lat.].

Adv. wrong; sinfully &c adj.; without excuse.

[Lat.], ignorance of the law is no excuse; where law ends tyranny begins [Earl of Chatham].

Tell her that I am working, that I require to concentrate my thoughts, and that I request her to excuse me.

Was not this idea of his papers, this fine project of providing a guardian for them and saving them, a suggestion of his weakness, an excuse which he gave himself to bring back Clotilde, and see her again?

Then did they sweare one another not to excuse themselves to you by any meanes, that they might try you the better; now if they shall see you say nothing in the World to them what may come of it, when Ladies begin to try their suters once, I hope your wisedomes can judge a little.

I will delaie him with some kinde excuse.

What kinde excuse, my Lord? Alph.

discrete, -a, discreet. disculpa, f., excuse, exculpation.

excusar, to excuse, exempt, release, spare.

"She keeps making a excuse about Teddy to come over and see me.

There was no excuse for his looking at her in that way.

The Arpinians urged in excuse of themselves, that in ignorance of all the circumstances, they had been sold to the Carthaginians by their nobility, and that they were kept in a state of thraldom and oppression by the few.

she exclaimed, ignoring his excuse.

Certainly we can be under no such responsibility to become and remain citizens, as will excuse us from the sinful acts which as such citizens we are called to commit.

Now, it seems to me, that this admission leaves you without excuse, for defending slavery.

6506 examples of  excuse  in sentences