87 examples of explanation for in sentences

"It's possible, however, he asked you because he wanted you, and there is an explanation for his waiting.

Then seeing the duke look well and happy, Ganimed was content to put off all further explanation for a few days longer.

As an explanation for the phenomena of hysteria in women, that benign mental disorder par excellence, they had the theory of a wandering about of the womb in the organism as a cause.

Juanita who had a quick and direct mind, decided that the moment had come for that explanation for which Marcos did not ask.

The languor of his bulk after the evening meal made no explanation for Lulu.

It is difficult, even with the entire record of the proceedings at Paris before one, to find a satisfactory explanation for the President's objection to having a definite programme other than the general declarations contained in the Fourteen Points and his "subsequent addresses."

" Every man aboard the submarine had a different explanation for the bomb which had disabled their craft.

The custom has been further maintained even amongst many who attach no belief to the superstition, but who, from fear of a draught of air through a hole, have discovered a new explanation for an old customnamely, that instances of such practices occur amongst all people.

The fact that it is a false alarm, and that there is no rational explanation for Prinzivalle's wanton insult to a woman whom he reverently idolizes, in no way makes matters better.

The explanation for Vergil's striking departure from the usual patriotic version of the legend is rather involved and need not be examined here.

You are told that they are married in infancy, that they begin to bear children by the time they are 12 and 14 years old, and consequently do not have time to grow; and perhaps that is the correct explanation for the diminutive stature of the women of India.

The Stoic doctrine of [Greek: daimones] was also utilised to find an explanation for semi-deities, lares, genii, etc., and thus another character of the old Italian religious mind was to be saved from contempt and oblivion.

There is some explanation for the belief that Schubert did not dare to love or declare his love, and some reason to believe that his reticence was wise and may have saved him worse pangs, in the fact that he was only one inch more than five feet high, and yet fat and awkward; stoop-shouldered, wild-haired, small-nosed, big-spectacled, thick-lipped, and of a complexion which has been called pasty to the point of tallowness.

" "Could you form any explanation for what you saw in her face?

There is no other explanation for the thing that happened....

The correspondent called me and sought an explanation for the delay.

Taking cue from the news item, the Director General of Police issued a memo to the Pernem police inspector, seeking an explanation for the unhygienic conditions in the police canteen.

But my father, who was not in such haste to come to conclusions, and substitute some plausible explanation for the truth, found something in the look of P. at that trying moment to which none of these explanations offered a key.

" "I've noticed," commented his companion, "that there usually is an explanation for everything we do in this life.

"If you could invent an explanation for that uniform as quickly as I told you that one, standing in a road with eight officers trying to shoot you, you would be the greatest general in Germany.

I believe there is an explanation for these or similar phenomena, but I must leave it to the ingenious and adroit expounders of Spiritualist philosophy.

As they hastened along, Rob explained to the others in more detail the nature of their mission, but though they were as much mystified by the sudden summons of Captain Hudgins as Rob and the captain himself, they could hit upon no plausible explanation for it.

I felt that I must have some natural explanation for this appearance or I would go mad.

He can find no other explanation for the fact that the world always seems to him more new, more wonderful than it did to anyone he ever met on his faring; every wayside acquaintance seemed old to this amazing young man, and himself seemed to himself the only young thing in the world.

Natural explanation for so-called "super-natural" occurrence.

87 examples of  explanation for  in sentences