9 examples of expressible in sentences

But however nicely we may analyse it, we shall never find in poetry a significance which is really detachable, and expressible in another way.

To every play it is possible, at a pinch, to assign a theme; but in many plays it is evident that no theme expressible in abstract terms was present to the author's mind.

Mortal man cannot conceive of the delicate shades of sentiment expressible by a dog's tail, unless he has studied the subjectthe wag, the waggle, the cock, the droop, the slope, the wriggle!

These things are expressible in no languagenot even in Chinese, which lends itself so generously to the metaphorical.

All knowledge grows out of feeling, and must be expressible again in feeling, if it is to have any value.

It can't be expressible in polite language.

Who cares whether the moon is 250,000 or 2,500,000 miles distant? Mathematicians try to impress upon us that the distance of the fixed stars is only expressible by a row of figures which stretches across a page; suppose it stretched across two or across a dozen pages, should we be any the wiser, or have, in the least degree, a clearer notion of the superlative distances?

For example, this present lecture, whatever its intellectual worth to you, has a certain physical value to me, which is, conceivably, expressible by the number of grains of protoplasm and other bodily substance wasted in maintaining my vital processes during its delivery.

An authority on the phenomena of the astral plane has written entertainingly and correctly regarding this phase of simple clairvoyance, as follows: "The possession of this extraordinary and scarcely expressible power, then, must always be borne in mind through all that follows.

9 examples of  expressible  in sentences