21 examples of expressman in sentences

" Her anger at the indignity already done her whipped out the sarcasm: "By getting ready, I suppose you mean for me to pack my trunk and order the expressman at the door?" He looked at her with a long, impersonal stare which bewildered her; she was at utter loss to read its meaning until he spoke: "You are to pack what endurance you've got into your muscles.

commented Bobby, who had overheard, as she danced off to open the door to the grinning expressman.

"Bobby, that's one of the five!" They directed the perspiring expressman to the right door and, it is to be regretted, shamelessly peeped while he toiled up and down bringing the five trunks and three hat boxes.

We must give our checks to the expressman, and have our luggage carted over to the Grand Central Depot.

The answer, though not proper to record in this place, was worthy of Perkins's opponent, who had a standing grudge against the entire race of expressmen and carters who brought him boxes and barrels to handle.

This was turned over to an expressman and carted to the Chamber of Commerce.

But after breakfast an expressman appeared with a bundle for Rattleton, and in the bundle were the missing articles.

PEACE POLICY.The agent from La Pointe, in Lake Superior, writes: "My expressman from the Fond du Lac arrived on the 31st of last month, by whom I learned that the Leech Lake Indians were unsuccessful in their war excursion last fall, not having met with their enemies, the Sioux, and I trust my communication with Mr. Aitkin will be in time to check parties that may be forming in the spring.

The last vessel for the season, the "Marengo," left the harbor for Detroit, taking on board our expressmen, who are to return by land.

Kebec, the Sault expressman, went off on his way to Detroit, at a very early hour, walking on the ice from about abreast of the Old Still House, direct to the main.

Cadotte, an expressman from La Pointe, Lake Superior, arrived in the course of the afternoon, with letters from Mr. Warren.

We knew she was out of town because the expressman would come for her trunk.

"The telegraph operator in St. Margaret's was also the postmaster, and I have a suspicion that he was also the expressman, and his messages piled up on him at times.

"I suppose he expects to give them to an expressman and have the trunks brought up this morning.

" "Oh, I don't think it would be possible for them to arrive here before we have to start, even if Dicky gives them to an expressman right away, as I am sure he will do.

"I think very probably he has gone first to see an expressman about your trunks.

The convert (who elsewhere was a profane expressman, and had become quite imbecile under Mr. Wynn's active heartiness and brotherly horse-play before spectators) managed, however, to feebly stammer with a blush something about "Miss Nellie.

"I supposed you wouldn't care to see Brace, the expressman, so I got rid of him at the door," said her father, drawing one of the new chairs towards him slowly, and sitting down carefully, as if it were a hitherto untried experiment.

Carried away by his heartiness, he forgot his previous caution, and confided to the expressman Miss Nellie's regrets that she was not to have that gentleman's company.

But a more serious result to the young beauty was the effect of the Rev. Mr. Wynn's confidences upon the impulsive heart of Jack Brace, the expressman.

Again Miss Nellie recognized the perfume with which the gallant expressman was wont to make redolent her little parlor, but again she avowed no knowledge of its possessor.

21 examples of  expressman  in sentences