1315 examples of extravagant in sentences

Finding nothing could induce the old man to approach us a second time, I threw it towards him, and upon his catching it the whole tribe began to shout and laugh in the most extravagant way.

Writing many years after the date of these letters, when he has seen an engraving of the Last Judgment, he uses terms, extravagant indeed, but apparently sincere, about its grandeur of design.

To say that these passages are sophistical would be to pay them an extravagant compliment.

Annibal Caracci was accused of an affectation of muscularity, and an undue parade of anatomical knowledge, even upon quiescent figures: But the artist whom we are now considering has no quiescent figures:even his repose is a state of rigid tension, if not extravagant distortion.

The seniors objected promptly, and deserted, to the inexpressible delight of the subalterns; but even the under-paid extravagant youths grew tired of extortion after a month or two, and Yussuf had to look elsewhere for customers.

Nay, we might add, that he needed no less than the most delicate Cremona,some instrument, as it were, articulated into humanity,to have inhaled and respired those attenuated strains, which, those who heard them think it hardly extravagant to say, seemed almost to embody silence.

Hence it would be no extravagant metaphor, should we affirm that some persons see more with their minds than others with their eyes.

The lovers of shellfish and the servants of the well-to-do snatched madly at the small supply, and paid whatever extravagant price was demanded.

CROPLAND (Sir Charles), an extravagant, heartless libertine and man of fashion, who hates the country except for hunting, and looks on his estates and tenants only as the means of supplying money for his personal indulgence.

To punish her in Webster's extravagant fashion every other character, with the whole story of the play, has to be dehumanised.

He preached like Brigham submission to the divine will as interpreted by the priesthood, but he was more extravagant than Brigham in his promises of blessings in store for them.

We will be orthodox henceforthand prove our orthodoxy by persecuting the heretic.' Does this seem to you extravagant, impossible?

This, certainly, is strong language and will sound very strange and extravagant in many ears; and yet is it really stronger language than that often used by inspired prophets and apostles? or than that of Augustine, Bernard, Luther, Hooker, Fenelon, Bunyan, and of many saintly women, whose names adorn the annals of piety?

"Which carried an ideal chivalry to a still more extravagant height than it had risen in fact."Ib., p. 374.

Hyperbole is extravagant exaggeration, in which the imagination is indulged beyond the sobriety of truth; as, "My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins.

discrimination; what should determine the direction of Inflection, what constitutes the circumflex Innovation extravagant, into the system of synt.

What their fathers, husbands, or brothers told them, they might believe if they chose; for the rest, to the very large majority of women, history was a sealed book; so that, for want of correct information, they were not in a position to contradict any assertion, however extravagant, untruthful, or absurd it might be.

" "I love to hear you say that, my dearest, but still" "No, not at all, for you are really much nicer when you are cuddling so, than when you are running about the world pretending to be pigs and snakes and fireworks, and murdering people with your extravagant sorceries.

Ethel Blue said she was, and Roger complimented her faithfulness in terms of extravagant absurdity.

It would be extravagant praise to call her a second Lucretius, and yet that which has given the Roman author his place among poets will also give George Eliot rank in the same company.

What makes this Treatment the more extravagant is, that the young Lady is in the Management of this way of Fraud, and obeys her Fathers Orders on these Occasions without any Manner of Reluctance, and does it with the same Air that one of your Men of the World would signifie the Necessity of Affairs for turning another out of Office.

Cicero, whose Learning and Services to his Country are so well known, was enflamed by it to an extravagant degree, and warmly presses Lucceius , who was composing a History of those Times, to be very particular and zealous in relating the Story of his Consulship; and to execute it speedily, that he might have the Pleasure of enjoying in his Life-time some Part of the [Honour ] which he foresaw wou'd be paid to his Memory.

he was neither extravagant, nor ill-natured, nor debauched?

It was not so long since the princess had been a hoiden among them, abounding in the life which rushes to extravagant action.

Vous vous en allez donc gaillardement comme cela, sans imaginer d'autre expédient que ce contrat extravagant? LE MARQUIS.

1315 examples of  extravagant  in sentences