16 examples of eyen in sentences

A semely man our hoste was with alle For to han ben a marshal in an halle; A large man he was eyen stepe, A fairer burgeys is ther noon in Chepe; Bold of his speche and wys, and wel y-taught, And of manhod him lakkede right naught.

Eyen the therne, with the spikes on its fore-limbs, can inflict painful if not dangerous wounds, and its bite is said to be not unfrequently venomous.

When I thee behold With eyen brighté bo, eyes bright both.

So, as I then disarmed did remaine, A wicked ambush, which lay hidden long In the close covert of her guilful eyen, Thence breaking forth, did thick about me throng.

His eyen twinkled in his heed aright As doon the sterres in the frosty night.

And alle the Tartarienes han smale eyen and litille of berd, and not thikke hered, but schiere.

For he beholdethe even man so scharply, with dreadfulle eyen, that ben evere more mevynge and sparklynge, as fuyr, and chaungethe and sterethe so often in dyverse manere, with so horrible countenance, that no man dar not neighen towardes him.

Another yle is there toward the northe, in the see occean, where that ben fulle cruele and ful evele wommen of nature; and thei han precious stones in hire eyen: and thei ben of that kynde, that zif thei beholden ony man with wratthe, thei slen him anon with the beholdynge, as dothe the basilisk.

He saw that the soldiers were not for enduring further delay and were anxious to end the war in some way eyen if it involved danger; therefore, fearing that if they remained in one place together they might revolt, he divided them into three parts.

my wittis all Were so o'ercome with pleasance and delight Only through letting of my eyen fall That suddenly my heart became her thrall For ever of free will, for of menace There was no token in her sweete face.

Yet food thou least which satisfieth never; Hast ruddy gold, that still doth flow Like restless quicksilver away; A game thou hast, at which none win who play A girl who would, with amorous eyen, E'en from my breast a neighbor snare, Lofty ambition's joy divine, That, meteor-like, dissolves in air.

no story, ouer true for that, I sid it a wi my aan eyen.

Such is the appropriate and picturesque accompaniment of the statue of Mars: "A wolf stood before him at his feet, With eyen red, and of a man he eat.

And swithe well he gan devise, Her semblant, and her gentrise, Her lovesome eyen, her rode so bright.

It's a long long time since we've eyen alluded to him, but I shall never forget those happy days.

That one dragon was red as fire, With eyen bright, as basin clear; His tail was great and nothing small; His body was a rood withal.

16 examples of  eyen  in sentences