Do we say eyes closed or eyes shut

eyes closed 245 occurrences

Who is he?" The man's eyes closed, but he smiled a littlea singular, wry-mouthed, winning smile.

"The lieutenant began murmuring with his eyes closed.

Bert looked through the window and saw Skinny lean back in his chair, his eyes closed and an expression of supreme content stealing over his face.

With surrender in every fibre of her being she lay in his arms, her head upon his breast, her eyes closed, her heart throbbing wildly under the kisses which he pressed passionately upon her lips, her hair; the while he called upon her name, as if his lips hungered to pronounce it.

Suddenly her eyes closed, a convulsive little tremor swept her, she pressed both clasped hands against his lips, her own moved, but no words cameonly a long, sweet, soundless sigh, soft as the breeze that stirs the crimson maple buds when the snows of spring at last begin to melt.

Avery sat on a sofa with Jeanie, her throbbing head leaning against the cushions, her eyes closed.

" She lingered an instant on his breast then, raising her tearful face, she silently pressed his hand, while she looked into those kind and honest eyes, that so strongly reminded her of eyes closed long ago.

Here he gasped for breath and his eyes closed.

I was so tired and heavy with sleep that my eyes closed almost before I was lain down, and never opened till the next morning was well advanced.

The fair little lady, then, was on her knees beside her gilded berth, her elbows resting on the pretty white bed, eyes closed, tiny white hands clasped, and lips moving.

Her eyes closed slowly as she spoke.

The young girl lay motionless in her berth, her face tinged with a livid bluish hue, her eyes closed, and her small hands clenched as if in agony.

I write by feeling with eyes closed.

His chin lifted a notch, his eyes closed, and a satisfied moan escaped his closed lips.

He found Leonora in bed, her hair spread over the pillow in waves of gold, her eyes closed, and a smile on her lips, as if he had surprised her in the middle of a dream, where she had been tasting her memories of love.

SCENE IX A Gothic and gloomy Apartment at the DUCHESS FRIEDLAND'S. THEKLA on a seat, pale, her eyes closed.

Didn't he tell you something back yonder in Carrollton?" Greenleaf smiled an admission and her happy eyes closed to mere chinks.

Her eyes closed very slowly, as if an extreme weakness had seized her.

She lay, her eyes closed.

Lady Peters had taken with her a book, which she made some pretense of reading, but over which her eyes closed in most suspicious fashion.

She lay there with her eyes closed and her poor old face puckered up, unheeding all Kate Mahony's attempts at consolation.

" "Only yesterday?" questioned Sally, with her eyes closed.

Instigated by curiosity, I opened it; I beheld in it a beautiful lovely woman (at the sight of whom the senses would vanish), wounded and weltering in her blood, with her eyes closed, and in extreme agonies.

" At this moment Sir Jocelyn, who had hitherto remained with his eyes closed, uttered a cry of anguish, and again vainly endeavoured to raise himself.

A weight sank on her feet and when she looked down she saw that Black Bart had lowered his head upon them, and so he lay there with his eyes closed, dreaming in the sun.

eyes shut 137 occurrences

Still he kept his eyes shut, feeling sure that it was one of those bright and beautiful beings he had lately seen, perhaps the Queen herself, and that the sight of her shining countenance would dazzle his eyes.

She was limp and pale, her eyes shut, her lashes looking unusually black against the pallor of her pinched cheeks.

Give me good reds and yallers and blues; the kind you can hear with yo' eyes shut.

"Well, madame, I tell you that you can take La Catiche with your eyes shut.

"Skinny's gonehe's surrendered," he said to Chuck, lying full length on the porch at his side; "look at the poor cuss with his eyes shut and grinning as if he was seeing visions of Paradise!"

Sometimes there is a prayer, then another, then an "exhortation"Quakers have no sermons; at other times an exhortation without any prayer; now and then a prayer without any exhortation; and occasionally they have neither the one nor the otherthey fall into a state of profound silence, keep astonishingly quiet ever so long, with their eyes shut, and then walk out.

After having for some time lain stillher eyes shut, she said "James!"

Being thus shrouded, and standing with his eyes shut, and with just so much of the sheet put aside, as might discover his thin, pale, and death-like face, he caused a skilful painter to draw his picture.

He was sure that in that cry there had been real terror; almost, he fancied, as he lay with his eyes shut tight, that he could still hear the shrill note of despair in the voice.

"Why, look at Sel!" said Clara, suddenly, "she has her eyes shut.

Howsomever that may be, I wasn't used to letting her do it by herself, and so I lay with my eyes shut, and pretended that I was asleep; for I didn't feel like giving in, and speaking up gentle, not about that nor anything else.

The last time he ever see Peter's uncle he was laying on the bed with 'is eyes shut, smiling in his sleep.

She put me in mind of the pious Mrs. Fetherstone at Oxford, whom I pointed out to thee once, among other grotesque figures, at St. Mary's church, whither we went to take a view of her two sisters: her eyes shut, not daring to trust her heart with them open; and but just half-rearing her lids, to see who the next comer was; and falling them again, when her curiosity was satisfied.

His head was very heavy, he could hardly hear the people talk, and every now and then his eyes shut.

All kept their eyes shut except one, a little baby, and like all babies, he was very curious and wanted to see what was going on.

" "So she did," said Horace, looking as bewildered as if he had been whirling around with his eyes shut; "so she diddidn't she?

"Then if there's anything to sign you can do it with your eyes shut.

Who carries his poll screwed on over-tight, and sits with his eyes shut in chapel? 2d Monk.

Henry bitterly exclaimed against this cruelty, but Fred innocently replied that "he had no hand in the matter; he had thought, for some time, how much prettier they would look swimming like ducks, and therefore tried to teach thembut the foolish things persisted in walking along with their eyes shut, and so got drowned.

When they reached home, content with tandem, drive, themselves, their friends, and life in general, they found Hiram Ranger returned from work, though it was only half-past five, and stretched on the sofa in the sitting room, with his eyes shut.

The president, so restless and vigilant, so ever-ready with watch and bell in hand when any of the Opposition had the floor, was now sitting back in his chair with his eyes shut, dozing away with the confidence of a stage director who is sure the show will go off without a hitch.

We are surrounded now by blood-curdling photographs of people being run over by omnibuses or dribbled along the street by horses attached to brewers' drays, these illustrations being accompanied by explanatory notes as to the inevitable result of crossing roads with your eyes shut or your fingers in your ears and endeavouring to alight from moving omnibuses by means of the back somersault or the swallow dive.

She may not see the sun, and towards sunset she must keep her eyes shut until the sun has gone down, otherwise it is thought that her nose will be diseased.

You can spell with your eyes shut in Russian, and you simply cannot make a mistake, for the Russians spell with all the abandonment of French dancing.

I have always been able to read you with my eyes shut.

Do we say   eyes closed   or  eyes shut