93820 examples of eying in sentences

A large fellow worked his way lazily above where the hooks lay on the bottom, eying me, as if laughing at my folly in attempting to deceive him, with fly or bait.

There he sat, eying one passer-by after another, till he suddenly sprang from his perch, exclaiming, "That's just the chap!

"That'swhat was in that?'" he asked, eying the tout keenly.

I fancied bright faces of curious housemaids peeping from the half-opened doors; while from the gallery the fair daughters of the Knight leaned gracefully forward, eying the youthful prisoner with that pity "that dwells in womanhood."

" "Well?" said the detective, eying her attentively.

The sound of crackling twigs was quite close, and we waited breathlessly, eying the green curtain through which we expected the unknown to thrust himself.

After treating it thus for a short time, he stroked down its neck, and then its shouldersthe horse eying him all the time nervously.

Then, eying her keenly, as if struck by a sudden thought, "Did you know the man, or was it all pure patriotism?" "Yes," returned Betty, filled with indignation at the sneer, and facing him with all her native courage; "yes, I know him well.

When he entered the car he stood eying his seat for a long moment like a dog choosing the softest place on the floor before it lies down.

"It's a true story," said Andy, in a firm voice, steadily eying his young antagonist.

They sat narrowly eying each other, although there was in this close duel small advantage for either except in the run of the cards themselves.

All these sounds are heard distinctly in the following words: buy, die, fie, guy, high, kie, lie, my, nigh, eying, pie, rye, sigh, shy, tie, thigh, thy, vie, we, ye, zebra, seizure.

Then there were impromptu races into town if by chance they encountered other teams coming back after the day's work; when the leaders, eying one another critically, even scornfully, would, without so much as a bark by way of discussion, start headlong for Nome, which was visible in the shadowy gray twilight only by its curling smoke and twinkling lights.

Then, paper-hanging, mantels, plumbing and all thatMake it even twelve-fifty?" he demanded, pen poised in a plump, white hand, eying the dealer with shrewd expectancy.

"There, Marm," said the owner, eying my face as an amused expression stole over it; "ef you don't care for <i>style</i>, ef ye want a good, steddy critter, and a critter that can <i>go</i>, and a critter that <i>any</i> lady can drive, <i>there's</i>

The old woman stood silently in front of him, eying him keenly.

The young man was probably eying her strangely, for the look of mistrust suddenly reappeared on her face.

"Whatever makes you sleep thus?" scolded she, eying him contemptuously.

For all that, supper was eventually ready and eaten and the dishes washedwith Miss Bridger wiping them and with the Pilgrim eying them both in a way that set on edge the teeth of Charming Billy.

"Mother got a cold?" he inquired, eying that lady.

"You don't want that, Wellander," the teacher said, eying him curiously, when Keith presented the book for registration.

I lunch in the great dining-room, with tall full-length Tempests eying me with constant placidity from the walls; with the butler and footman still trying respectfully to ignore my swelled nose and bunged-up eyes.

Jacky still stands on the gravel as if the whole place belonged to him; still stands with his head on one side, roguishly eying the sunset.

Whether he resents the blackness of my appearance as being a mean imitation of his own, I do not know, but he will not come near me; he hops stiffly away, and stands eying me from the grass, with an unworthy affectation of not knowing who I am.

"See her twist her hair," he snarled venomously as the young woman, still boldly eying Nathaniel, played with the luxuriant curls that glistened in the sun upon her breast.

93820 examples of  eying  in sentences