43 examples of faders in sentences

You have a very glever fader, Mr. Orme!"

He calls hisself a 'son of the poor'atin's,' and poor 'ating it must have been, in the counthry of his faders, to have produced so lane and skinny a baste as that same.

'Tell 'em, Mike,' says he, says the majjor, 'that I feels for 'em, all the same as if I was their own fader; and tell 'em,' says he, 'to keep up their spirits, and all will come right in the ind.

"Dat call you' fader's name, Meredit'; no Willoughby.

Nick know fader, know moderknow squaw, when pappoose.

No need to be so feelin'; no you fader, at all.

" "Why bad to youhe no faderonly fader friend.

"Why you call dis fader, when dat fader.

"Why you call dis fader, when dat fader.

Nick know fader and moder.

Is my father dead?By father, I mean captain Willoughby?" "Mean wrong, denno fader, tell you.

'Serjeant know her fader.

Then she came close to her son, and said in a whisper, "The fader think it is goot."

My fader got bees.

"Fader in heaven, look upon de poor slave, dat have to work all de day long, dat cant have de time to pray only in de night, and den massa mus not know it.

Fader, have mercy on massa and missus.

Fader, when shall poor slave get through de world!

when will death come, and de poor slave go to heaven;" and in their meetings they frequently add, "Fader, bless de white man dat come to hear de slave pray, bless his family," and so on.

In the beginning of holi Chirche, it was so that the pepull cam to the Chirche with candellys brennyng and wold Wake and come with light toward nyght to the Chirch to their devocions; and afterwards they fell to lecherie and songs, daunces, harping, piping and also to glotony and sinne and so turned the holinesse to cursaydnesse; wherefore holi faders ordeined the pepull to leve that waking and to fast the Evyn.

"Right reverend fader in God, right trusty and right wel-beloved, we grete yow wele, and wol and charge you that under oure greate seale, being in your warde, ye do make in all haist our lettres of proclamation severally to be directed unto the shirrefs of everie countie within this oure royaume.

Then his fader, ne lasse myht, To holden his pore men to ryht, Ant understonde good counsail, Al Engelond for to wysse and dyht; Of gode knyhtes darh him nout fail.

a colored portrait of his "maister dere and fader reverent.

'Tell ye, dat ar' boy honors his fader and mudder,

My fader was most entirely attached to a lady for thirty years, who was in fact his mistress.

She was the beautifullest creature and the cleverest, but, though my fader continued to pay my moder all possible respect, my poor moder could not suffer this attachment.

43 examples of  faders  in sentences