179 examples of faery in sentences

I fell, one night some fifteen years ago, into what seemed the power of faery.

I have lived near by them and in them, time after time, and have gathered thus many a crumb of faery lore.

Drumcliff is a wide green valley, lying at the foot of Ben Bulben, the mountain in whose side the square white door swings open at nightfall to loose the faery riders on the world.

"No," said another, coming near also, "she is a sky faery, for she has the colour of the sky."

"No," said a third, "she is the faery out of the foxglove grown big."


No Irish peasant would treat a captured faery as did the man Campbell tells of.

A faery loved a little child who used to cut turf at the side of a faery hill.

A faery loved a little child who used to cut turf at the side of a faery hill.

Every day the faery put out his hand from the hill with an enchanted knife.

The faery was never again seen.

Our Irish faery terrors have about them something of make- believe.

I have heard one Hearne, a witch-doctor, who is on the border of Clare and Galway, say that in "every household" of faery "there is a queen and a fool," and that if you are "touched" by either you never recover, though you may from the touch of any other in faery.

I have heard one Hearne, a witch-doctor, who is on the border of Clare and Galway, say that in "every household" of faery "there is a queen and a fool," and that if you are "touched" by either you never recover, though you may from the touch of any other in faery.

I remember seeing a long, lank, ragged man sitting by the hearth in the cottage of an old miller not far from where I am now writing, and being told that he was a fool; and I find from the stories that my friend has gathered that he is believed to go to faery in his sleep; but whether he becomes an Amadan-na-Breena, a fool of the forth, and is attached to a household there, I cannot tell.

It was an old woman that I know well, and who has been in faery herself, that spoke of him.

They will have it that when the potatoes or the wheat or any other of the fruits of the earth decay, they ripen in faery, and that our dreams lose their wisdom when the sap rises in the trees, and that our dreams can make the trees wither, and that one hears the bleating of the lambs of faery in November, and that blind eyes can see more than other eyes.

They will have it that when the potatoes or the wheat or any other of the fruits of the earth decay, they ripen in faery, and that our dreams lose their wisdom when the sap rises in the trees, and that our dreams can make the trees wither, and that one hears the bleating of the lambs of faery in November, and that blind eyes can see more than other eyes.


Those that see the people of faery most often, and so have the most of their wisdom, are often very poor, but often, too, they are thought to have a strength beyond that of man, as though one came, when one has passed the threshold of trance, to those sweet waters where Maeldun saw the dishevelled eagles bathe and become young again.

" A friend has sent me from Ulster an account of one who was on terms of true friendship with the people of faery.

Many's the time I talked to a woman myself that was a faery, or something of the sort, and no less and more than mortal anyhow.

'What is she at all, mother?' says I. 'Is it an angel she is, or a faery woman, or what?'

A man had just left them who had played cards in a rath with the people of faery, who had played "very fair"; and one old man had seen an enchanted black pig one night, and there were two old people my friend had heard quarrelling as to whether Raftery or Callanan was the better poet.

SPIRIT OF SADNESS AN INSCRIPTION SONG ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON AN ELEGY High on his Patmos of the Southern Seas Our northern dreamer sleeps, Strange stars above him, and above his grave Strange leaves and wings their tropic splendours wave, While, far beneath, mile after shimmering mile, The great Pacific, with its faery deeps, Smiles all day long its silken secret smile.

179 examples of  faery  in sentences