4 examples of faint-heart in sentences

He had the advantage of leading picked men; though nearly three hundred faint-hearts did turn back half-way.

"THE HAWTHORN HATH A DEATHLY SMELL" The flowers of the field Have a sweet smell; Meadowsweet, tansy, thyme, And faint-heart pimpernel; But sweeter even than these, The silver of the may Wreathed is with incense for The Judgment Day.

" "Idon't exactly liketotake the responsibility," wavered this modern Faint-Heart.

It is A vain, weak people of faint-heart old men, That, for three hundred years of dull repose, Has lain perpetual dreamer, folded in The ragged purple of its ancestors, Stretching its limbs wide in its country's sun, To warm them; drinking the soft airs of autumn Forgetful, on the fields where its forefathers Like lions fought!

4 examples of  faint-heart  in sentences