Do we say fair or fare

fair 19751 occurrences

In the prologue to The Fair Maid of the Inn (licensed 1626), good plays are spoken of as often scurvily treated, whilst

In Act v he sings a little song he has made on his Mistress: 'As I gaz'd unaware, On a face so fair.'

When he thought he had a fair chance he stepped to the front and shouted, 'Now, boys, all together, rush!'

Though as full of public spirit as before and only just turned sixty, he bid fair to spend the rest of his life as an English country gentleman.

There was a general tendency to give the new constitution a fair trial; and all classes looked to Carleton to make the harmony that had been attained both permanent and universal.

"I'm sure she kens I've aye said I never had to do with a mair fair, weel-spoken gentleman" Here Jarvis came to a pause, again looking at me, rubbing his hands.

oh, fair and gentle creature, scarcely woman, how could any man's voice call her by that name!

It would seem that, for the future, instead of men for ministers, we need only have fair women to keep our empire in peace.

We take the picture of that fair one and suspend it here, as some small solace to our griefs, [To the attendant] Keeper of the yellow gate, behold, the incense in yonder vase is burnt out: hasten then to add some more.

Besides being an excellent officer and a capital fellow, Alec Naylor was also reputed to be one of the handsomest men in the Service; six foot three, very straight, very fair, with features as regular as any romantic hero of them all, and eyes as blue.

But she was young and wondrous fair, for Duke Ivo hath a quick eye and rare judgment in such pretty matters.

Then, turning his back upon the friar, Beltane questioned the blind man again, as thus: "Tell me, an ye will, how ye came to shed blood?" and the outlaw, kneeling at Beltane's feet answered with bowed head: "Noble sir, I had a daughter and she was young and fair, therefore came my lord Pertolepe's chief verderer to bear her to my lord.

The which mindeth me I grow an hungered, yet will I forego appetite and yield thee this fair pasty for but two of thy gold pieces.

"Fare thee well, good fool," said he, "I leave thee to thy dreams; God send they be ever fair" "Gold!" cried the jester, spinning the coin upon his thumb, "ha, now do I dream indeed; may thy waking be ever as joyous.

"So, so!" nodded Black Roger, grim-smiling, "I've watched them kick a fair good while, betimes!" "Ah!" cried Beltane, his eyes widening, "those hands of thine, belike, have hanged a man ere this?" "Aye, many a score.

"Look'ee, 'tis fair, good rope this, and well-tried, and shall bear even thy great carcase sweetlyaye, sweetly" "Howwould'st hang me also?" said Beltane faintly, and the heavy quarter-staff sagged in his loosened grip.

O gentle paladin, O fair flower of lusty fighters, fall back and leave the rest to our comrades, to me and my good bow, here!"

"Alas!" cried the friar, wringing his hands, "what news is this?" "O good friar," sobbed the woman, "my lord's hand hath been so heavy upon us of lateso heavy: and there came messengers from Thrasfordham in Bourne bidding us thither with fair promises:and my father, being head of our village, hearkened to them and we made ready to cross into Bourne.

Yet first, hear this: thou art perchance some roving knight seeking adventure to the glory and honour of some fair lady.

Thus have I been familiar with divers noble lords and there were ladies also, ladies fair and proudO me!"

So for thy tongue will I barter base coinwhat can'st tell me for this fair gold piece?"

"Come now, discourse to me of worldly thingshow men do trim their beards these days, what sins be most i' the fashion, if Duke Ivo sleepeth a-nights, whether Pentavalon city standeth yet?" "Aha!" cried the Pardoner (coin safely pouched), "I can tell ye tales a-plenty: sly, merry tales of lovely ladies fair and gay.

I can paint ye a tongue picture of one beyond all fair ladies fairher soft, white body panting-warm for kisses, the lure of her mouth, the languorous passion of her eyes, the glorious mantle of her flame-like hair.

Thus, sighing and a-swoon, did Helen fair, a Duchess proud" "Ah!" cried Beltane, clenching sudden fist, "what base and lying babble do ye speak?

"It's a fair wind.

fare 1775 occurrences

The barley-gruel of the Lacedaemonians, of the Athenian gladiators and common people, was the same, with the exception of the slight seasoning it had beyond the simplicity of Scottish fare.

Now fare-ye-weel, my ain John, This warld's cares are vain, John, We'll meet, and we'll be fain.

Like an army defeated The snow hath retreated, And now doth fare ill On the top of the bare hill; The Ploughboy is whoopinganonanon There's joy in the mountains; There's life in the fountains; Small clouds are sailing, Blue sky prevailing; The rain is over and gone!

Come then, Giovanni, try To succour my dead pictures and my fame; Since foul I fare and painting is my shame.

If the mere lapse of lengthening years hath pressed So sorely that life, strength, and vigour tire, How shall he fare who must ere long expire, When to old age is added love's unrest?

How fare these lords that, lumping, pouting, proud, Imagine now to quell me with their looks? Now welcome, sirs, is Marius thought so base?

How fare these beautiful?

As in Numidia, tigers wanting food, Or, as in Lybia, lions full of ire, So fare these Romans on Praeneste walls.

but what's your fare, I pray? FRAN.

But how would the worm fare when swallowed up and absorbed?

Robert Stevens is among the rebels, and the fool will fare hard if he falls into his hands.

If picnics are your pleasure, you can go to them at leisure, And lunch on sumptuous fare, And though maybe, perforce, you'll get lamb without mint sauce.

Then my fat would have bin in the fire, with certin persons looking on, and you in danger as well as me which wouldn't be fare.

You can get your property again by bringing me my master's, which is fare exchange.

Do that, and we will patronise you, applaud you, ask you to our houses; and you shall be clothed in purple and fine linen, and fare sumptuously with us every day.

Her votaries have not as yet cared much for purple and fine linen, and sumptuous fare.

This bill of fare was for dinner or the mid-day meal.

Go farder, fare worse; as pale- face say.

As factors in the proceedings they did not count, except to receive their two dollars per diem, board, lodging and hack fare.

Chance led them one night to the Comers, and there amid the imitation palms and imitation French waiters of the imitation French restaurant Tutt invited his friend Newbegin to select what dish he chose from those upon the bill of fare; and Newbegin chose kidney stew.

I'd eat the simple fare privations fed me, And gladly make my couch upon the ground.

We little guessed how much he did to smooth our pathway day by day, How much of joy he brought to us, how much of care he brushed away; But now that we must tread alone the thorough-fare of life, we find How many burdens we were spared by him who was so brave and kind.

And others, happier, rise and fare To pass within the hallowed portal, And see the glory shining there Shrined in her steadfast eyes immortal.

Sleep still, you cannot move me: fare you well.

Giue it an vnderstanding but no tongue; I will requite your loues; so, fare ye

Do we say   fair   or  fare