42 examples of fairway in sentences

We had wandered off the main thoroughfare, where the trams, hurtling past the Irani's tea shop, drown from time to time the chatter of Khoda Behram's clientele; and skirting a group of Mahomedans who nightly sit in solemn conclave, some on the 'otlas,' others on charpoys or chairs placed well in the fairway of traffic, we reached at length a sombre and narrow 'gali,' seemingly untenanted save by the shadows.

It was plain to those who had glasses turned on the damaged ships that they were drawing far too much water to be brought into the Hamoaze and over the sill of the dry dock at Devonport, so that no one felt surprise when the battle-cruisers were seen to pull out of the deep fairway and make towards the shore.

There is no more desolate-looking bit of the river than the stretch which immediately precedes that crowded fairway.

The tide was right at its highest, and down the centre of the fairway straggled a long procession of big hooting steamers, sluggish brown-sailed barges, and small heavily-burdened tugs, puffing out their usual trails of black smoke.

There wasn't room for more than one set of wheels at a time in most of the streets we tore through, but a camel tried to share one fairway with us and had the worst of it; he cannoned off into an alley 'himd end first, and we could hear him bellowing with rage a block away.

Two older men bounced low drives down a fairway.

Passing the Bondicar rocks and rounding the point we enter the "fairway" for Warkworth Harbour and Amble, where a brisk exportation of the coal of the neighbourhood is carried on.

In those places the broken stones were now lying in the fairway, as you knew by the suffering when you came in contact with them; some of the split-off edges were as sharp as glass.

On each side of the river, both above and below the bridge, the quays are ordinarily lined with vessels berthed alongside each of the quays, and as the river is rather narrow at this point, the line of fairway for vessels passing through the bridge is confined nearly to the center of the river.

This consideration, together with some others connected with the proposed future deepening of the fairway, rendered it very desirable to locate the opening span nearly in the center of the river, as shown in the general plan of the situation, which we publish herewith.

Newbern's better sort denounced the scandal of this, but bought of him clandestinely, for even in that far day, when golf balls in price were yet within reach of the common people, few of them liked to buy a new ball and watch it vanish forever after one brilliant drive that would have taken it far down the fairway except for the unaccountable slice.

They addressed the ball ceremoniously, waggled the club at it, first soothingly, then with distinct menace, looked up to frown at a spot far down the fairway, looked back, exhaled the breath, and drove.

He was to drive with an iron, not far, but truly; to stay always in the centre of the fairway and especially to cultivate the shorter approach shots and the use of the putter.

They drove, and again Merle lectured upon the three reasons why his ball came to rest in a sand trap that flanked the fairway.

It's the first time this afternoon you've stayed in the fairway.

He means that he made eight, or about eight, by lifting it from the rough about ten feet on to the fairway.

One hundred and fifty yards ahead the fairway was intersected by a ditch.

To them how important that each buoy, each inanimate flagman of the river route, should stand true where danger lies and truly point the fairway.

JONES, ROBERT T., JR. Down the fairway, by Robert T. Jones, Jr. and O. B. Keeler.

Down the fairway.

JONES, ROBERT T., JR. Down the fairway, by Robert T. Jones, Jr. and O. B. Keeler.

Down the fairway.

After a heated interval the crew took to the desert alongside, while the captain and the mate opened all cocks and sank her, not in the fairway but up against a bank, just leaving room for a steamer to squeeze past.

The readers of the Personal Column of The Times were lately refreshed by the following entry: "Would the person in the green Tyrolese hat note that though it may be a custom on his own course to pocket golf-balls on the fairway, it is not done elsewhere.

"What d'ye mean, you yellow-faced heathen, lying here in a fairway without a horn a-going?"

42 examples of  fairway  in sentences