165 examples of faking in sentences

The minute she found out that the book was a fake, he would be dead meat, that was for sure.

But he knew that once the reality dawned on her that the spell was a fake, that she was just as ugly as ever, and that he had escaped, she would be absolutely beside herself with rage.

"The fake one from the parade!

" "No!" raged the fake Allidap.

I cannot tell you in adequate language just how the tropical sun punishes the unacclimated Northerner, especially if he be a foot-soldier tramping along in a blinding dust, parched of throat, empty of belly, and loaded down with a pack that would make a quartermaster's mule to fake the glanders.

That's pretty good faking, take it all in all.

Our own generation, which was sedulously enticed into nature study by books crammed with the "pathetic fallacy," has become suspicious of everything akin to "nature faking."

In former times "faking" was not infrequently resorted to to correct a faulty tail carriage, but it is easily detected.

Another factor which has had a bad effect is the belief, which has become much too prevalent, that a great deal of "faking" has been practised in the past, and that it has been so cleverly performed as to deceive the most observant judge, whereby a very artificial standard of quality has been obtained.

The wire-hair has had a great advertisement, for better or worse, in the extraordinarily prominent way he has been mentioned in connection with "faking" and trimming.

There is a vast difference between legitimate trimming, and what is called "faking."

"That Miss Jennings is faking!

"At least, he's either lost his memory or he's doing a powerful lot of faking.

" "I'm not faking," Ben told them quietly.

" "How did this happen?" He sat upI am convinced that he had been faking that drunken sleepand stared at the sprawling figure on the floor.

As a wind-up Ponting took a flashlight photograph of our hut converted into a lecture hall: a certain amount of faking will be required, but I think this is very allowable under the circumstances.

And whether she was faking, or since Baliol could not afford to let the bid go unanswered, a lead of a quarter of a length at the mile had to be challenged: "Give 'em ten at thirty-six!"

Faking car accidents.

Faking car accidents.

Lest he may be accused of nature faking, it should be explained that the tree was a leaning tree.

" "I believe that fellow is faking," said the sergeant to Nick, as Harrigan left the room.

In fact, I've been just faking the role for two or three years back, because I knew you didn't care the way I wanted you to.

There's no faking a swivel eye.

This operation is also known as "cuttling" or "faking."

" CIRCUS A well-known theatrical manager repeats an instance of what the late W. C. Coup, of circus fame, once told him was one of the most amusing features of the show-business; the faking in the "side-show.

165 examples of  faking  in sentences