160 examples of fall for in sentences

If that's what it's like to be in loveexcuse meI'll never fall for any man!"

Will you come on and take a fall for her?

The official replied "It will so," and the look, he gave us superinduced the conclusion that the offertory box was not going to fall for some time.

Here I will be late for rehearsal and will have to give the stage manager an excuse and he will fall for it until some time I have got good reason for being late, and then he will call me.

Wilbur and two other boobs fall for the bunk and they open up.

They fall for women, wine, the game And win or lose, they smile the same And to quit is their only sin.

Venemous tongue, tipt with vile adders sting, Of that self kynd with which the Furies fell, Their snaky heads doe combe, from which a spring Of poysoned words and spightfull speeches well, Let all the plagues and horrid paines of hell Upon thee fall for thine accursed hyre, That with false forged lyes, which thou didst tell.

And crowne thy contynence; for though I was Content the queene should stray, yet thys[90] I would not have to fall for chrystendome.

' He waited a second, and then said: 'Nay, move thou must, and 'tis better to risk falling now, than fall for certain with another bullet in thee later on.'

This is about a degree for each 400 feet, while the general fall for isolated mountains is about one degree in 340 feet according to Humboldt, who notes the above difference between the rate of cooling for altitude of the plainsor more usually sheltered valleys in which the towns are situatedand the exposed mountain sides.

When the herd draws itself together in arms against the stranger it is a fall for those rare free spirits who love the whole world, but it raises the many who weakly vegetate in anarchistic egotism, and lifts them to that higher stage of organised selfishness.

" "Say, partner," drawled Jack, "I ain't drunk enough of the hot stuff to make me fall for the line you've been handing out.

I don't fall for that.

The purpose of this is to suggest the memory of your doubtful promise, to come down in the fall for the winter session.

How did it happen that you didn't fall for Morrison's ..." he looked at her sharply at a change in her face she could not control.

I tried to get this General joker to pass me in, but he wouldn't fall for it.

Although the morning of that day was clear, and the weather very hot and dry during the whole forenoon, yet before night it began to rain, and gentle showers continued to fall for many days, so that the ground became thoroughly soaked, and the drooping corn revived.

It was a great fall for him to tumble from his dictatorship to so small an honor.

In this tumult of accusing thoughts he fell asleep; but that night the dew of blessing did not fall for him on the fields of sleep.

It was himself, thenor his country; perhaps the old sport didn't fall for Americans.

It was a splendid fall for plowing, and I began to feel hope return to me as I followed my plow around and around the lands I laid off, and watched the black ribbon of new plowing widen and widen as the day advanced toward night.

Will you save next fall for me?" "I shore will," he replied.

He then had the unblushing audacity to set this half-swallowed vodka before us in an old pepper-sauce bottle, and pretend that it was some that he had reserved since the previous fall for cases of emergency!

Trees are filled with reserve; when denuded of their neighbors, they stand in melancholy solitude until the leaves fall for the last time, until their branches wither, and their trunks ring hollow with decay.

He's lit another one kinda hopin' we'll be fool enough to fall for it.

160 examples of  fall for  in sentences