357 examples of fallacy in sentences

Here is the first fallacy.

Fallacy number two.

They may be incapable of a generalization, (they certainly are, if this be Mr. Choate's notion of one,) but they are incapable also of a deliberate fallacy.

A fallacy is dangerous because of the half-truth in it.

The conduct of the Colonial Assemblies having long shown the fallacy of those expectations which had been entertained of the good work being done in the islands as soon as the supply of new hands should be stopped by the Abolition, there remained no longer any doubt whatever, that the mother country alone could abate a nuisance hateful in the sight of God and man.

Some observers even affirmed that they had no function, though the constancy of goître in cretins ought to have shown the fallacy of this allegation in the case of the thyreoid.

phantasm, phantom &c (fallacy of vision) 443. pageant, spectacle; peep-show, raree-show, gallanty-show; ombres chinoises [Sp.]; magic lantern, phantasmagoria, dissolving views; biograph^, cinematograph, moving pictures; panorama, diorama, cosmorama^, georama^; coup de theatre, jeu de theatre

There are men who believe the position of a power on earth will come to you by itself; but oh! do not trust to this fallacy; a position never comes by itself; it must be taken, and taken it never will be by passivity.

But that is a great fallacy.

That fallacy, natural as it may be, is a curse which weighs heavily on us.

An excellent example of what Ruskin called "the pathetic fallacy."]

I have pulled on a light cord often enough, while he has been wielding the broad-axe; and between us, on this unequal division, many a specious fallacy has fallen.

Why doth not reason detect the fallacy, settle and persuade, if she be free?

Our stay at Versailles speedily convinced us of the fallacy of that belief.

Is there not, however, a subtle fallacy in the very phrasing of the indictment?

Compact is used as synonymous with league, although the true term is not employed, because it would at once show the fallacy of the reasoning.

Hold a moment, there is a fallacy here; she ought to say, "I have no time to spare because I failed to train the children in the manner mentioned."

friend that I regard that as a most fatal and mischievous fallacy, and I need not say more.

The new poetic myth-making that still showed the influence of an old habit of mind was apt to be rather self-conscious and diffident, ending in something resembling the pathetic fallacy.

Our own generation, which was sedulously enticed into nature study by books crammed with the "pathetic fallacy," has become suspicious of everything akin to "nature faking."

This charge was very deliberately brought against hockey for women some little time ago in an influential London journal, and was rightly and promptly answered by a spirited article with illustrations of some well-known lady hockey playersproof positive of the fallacy that hockey damaged their appearance.

There is, indeed, no transaction which offers stronger temptations to fallacy and sophistication than epistolary intercourse.

It may be stated here, as another race fallacy, that the "telltale dark mark at the root of the nails," supposed to be an infallible test of Negro blood, is a delusion and a snare, and of no value whatever as a test of race.

" There is another fallacy in speaking of the resolution of the North to crush Secession by force.

On one occasion a poor black woman exposed this fallacy, and told the story of her being kidnapped, and when he got her into a wood out of hearing, he beat her, to use his own expression, 'till her back was white.'

357 examples of  fallacy  in sentences