10 examples of fango in sentences

[-22-] When this had been accomplished, Sextius occupied Africa and governed both provinces without interference, until Caesar according to the covenant made by him with Antony and Lepidus took possession of the office and assigned Gaius Fuficius Fango to take charge of the people; then the governor voluntarily gave up the provinces.

As he could not persuade Fango to give up the country, he associated himself with the natives, who detested their ruler; he had done evil in his office, for he was one of that mercenary force, many of whose members, as has been stated in my narrative, had been elected even into the senate.

At this turn of affairs Fango retired into Numidia, where he accorded harsh treatment to the people of Cirta because they despised him on seeing his condition.

Arabio fled to Sextius and Fango demanded his surrender.

For the cavalry, enraged at Arabio's death, left the Romans in the lurch and most of them took the side of Fango.

Later Fango watched until Sextius, trusting in the truce, was free from fear, and invaded Africa.

When as they retired they ascertained what had happened, they came to blows again, the Numidians were routed, and Fango temporarily fled to the mountains.

Una vez allí, la bruja permaneció un largo rato inmóvil, con la cara hundida entre el légamo y el fango del arroyo que corría enrojecido con la sangre; después, poco á poco, comenzó como á volver en

cesar arrastrada de un punto á otro entre el polvo y el fango, me he juzgado dichosa cuando podía reposar un instante en el profundo surco de un camino.

famoso, -a, famous, celebrated, notorious. fango, m., mire.

10 examples of  fango  in sentences