24 examples of fantaisie in sentences

Regina made a fervent appeal (quoted in Mathieu's poem on Lassus) that "his Altesse Sérénissime be pleased not to heap on the poor family of Orland the wrongs that the unhappy father may have deserved through his fantaisies bizarres, the result of too much thought for his art and too incessant zeal; but that the duke deign to continue his former treatment; for to put him out of the service of the court chapel would be to kill him.

And people want light bread, curly rolls, "pain de fantaisie."

This favoured spot he calls the Isle of Fantaisie, about the shores of which appears a remarkable fish, or rather a ship, to the no small terror of the islanders.

Popanilla soon becomes a man of science: his wit flies off in tangents, and he tries to prove his sovereign a lantern, and himself a sun,[10] by undertaking to re-shape all the institutions of Fantaisie.

He certainly had enjoyed a seat at the Admiralty Board of Fantaisie, but then he was a lay-lord."

He announces himself as the "most injured of human beings;" the women weep, the men shake hands with him, and all the boys huzza: he then narrates his ill-fortunes at Fantaisie, not forgetting the never-enough-to-be-lamented lock of hair.

His associations quite overcame him; all Fantaisie rushed upon his memory, and he was obliged to retire to a less frequented part of the room, to relieve his too excited feelings."

Popanilla is now constituted ambassador from Fantaisie, and goes through all the courtly scenes of diplomacy, for which we have not room; but their gist will be readily understood among the stars of St. James's, especially the authors allusions to Navarino and the late ministry, which are in good set terms.

Autre aimable fantaisie du prince: il reçoit le duc d'Orléans, accompagné de son frère naturel, l'abbé de la Fai(?).

FANTAISIE, f., imagination, caprice.

MANIE, f., habitude bizarre; fantaisie portée à l'extrême.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

Fantaisie-impromptu; op.

la Fantaisie dans la Littérature.

et de la fantaisie, à mettre au service du sentiment les plus subtiles lumières de la raison,...l'esprit de finesse employé à découvrir les plus secrets mouvements de notre sensibilité,par conséquent l'usage conscient d'un style ajusté à la ténuité de ces enquêtes, style qui n'est pas exempt de recherche, mais qui abonde en trouvailles décisives,voilà précisément le marivaudage.

Quelle fantaisie il s'est allé mettre dans l'esprit!

Vous n'êtes pas si pressé; votre fantaisie n'est pas d'une espèce à mériter qu'on se gêne tant pour elle: ce seroit ce soir ici[80] un embarras qui nous dérangeroit.

Excusez, Monsieur, et restez à votre fantaisie.

et peut-être encore, je gage, pour quelque objet qui n'en vaut pas la peine: car les hommes ont des fantaisies... DUBOIS.

Car je l'avois vu qu'il[100] l'avoit contemplé de tout son coeur, et il prend fantaisie à ce brutal de le priver d'une peinture qui réjouit cet honnête homme.

24 examples of  fantaisie  in sentences