58 examples of farinaceous in sentences

As a food, it is the least oily and most farinaceous of all the nuts, and, therefore, the easiest of digestion.

From the quantity of farinaceous and saccharine matter contained in the pea, it is highly nutritious as an article of food.

farinaceous food of this name constitutes the pith of the SAGO tree (the Sagus farinifera of Linnaeus), which grows spontaneously in the East Indies and in the archipelago of the Indian Ocean.

There it forms the principal farinaceous diet of the inhabitants.

TAPIOCA.This excellent farinaceous food is the produce of the pith of the cassava-tree, and is made in the East Indies, and also in Brazil.

"No amylaceous substance," says Dr. Christison, "is so much relished by infants about the time of weaning; and in them it is less apt to become sour during digestion than any other farinaceous food, even arrowroot not excepted.

RICE, with proper management in cooking it, forms a very valuable and cheap addition to our farinaceous food, and, in years of scarcity, has been found eminently useful in lessening the consumption of flour.

The articles generally employed as food for infants consist of arrowroot, bread, flour, baked flour, prepared groats, farinaceous food, biscuit-powder, biscuits, tops-and-bottoms, and semolina, or manna croup, as it is otherwise called, which, like tapioca, is the prepared pith of certain vegetable substances.

The packets sold as farinaceous food are unquestionably the best aliment that can be given from the first to a baby, and may be continued, with the exception of an occasional change, without alteration of the material, till the child is able to take its regular meals of animal and vegetable food.

For the farinaceous food there are directions with each packet, containing instructions for the making; but, whatever the food employed is, enough should be made at once to last the day and night; at first, about a pint basinful, but, as the child advances, a quart will hardly be too much.

The biscuit powder is used in the same manner as the farinaceous food, and both prepared much after the fashion of making starch.

In the other case, when the child is being fed by hand, then proceed by totally altering the style of aliment given, and substituting farinaceous food, custards, blanc-mange, and ground-rice puddings. 2529.

The diet throughout must be light, and consist of farinaceous food, such as rice and sago puddings, beef-tea and toast; and not till convalescence sets in should hard or animal food be given.

In fact, flesh and fish are used much as they seem to have been in the earlier period of Greek civilisation, as relish and supplement to fruits, vegetables, and farinaceous dishes, rather than as the principal element of food.

The most valuable part of the produce consisted of those farinaceous fruits, growing on trees from twenty to eighty feet in height, which form the principal element of Martial food.

The farinaceous fruits are sold to the confectioners, who take also a portion of the milk and all the meat supplied by the pastures.

If the stomach reject this, farinaceous food boiled in water, and mixed with a small quantity of milk, may be employed.

Or weak mutton or veal broth, or beef tea, clear and free from fat, and mixed with an equal quantity of farinaceous food.

This is the best diet that can be used for the first six months, after which some farinaceous food may be combined.

Sometimes the mother's breast, and every description of milk, is rejected by the child; in which case recourse must be had to veal or weak mutton broth, or beef tea, clear and free from fat, mixed with a very small quantity of farinaceous food, carefully passed through a sieve before it is poured into the sucking-bottle.

Adj. powdery, pulverulent^, granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny^, furfuraceous^, flocculent, dusty, sandy, sabulous^, psammous^; arenose^, arenarious^, arenaceous^; gritty, efflorescent, impalpable; lentiginous^, lepidote^, sabuline^; sporaceous^, sporous^. pulverizable; friable, crumbly, shivery; pulverized &c v.; attrite^; in pieces.

His food was principally a small farinaceous seed, varied sometimes by the roots which he could find in the desert, or the tender sprouts of wild plants.

SILENT DUCHESS] Many breeders object to feeding the mother with meat at this time, but the writer once had two litter sisters who whelped on the same day, and he decided to try the effect of a meat versus farinaceous diet upon them.

A custard pudding baked too quickly or too long will have the eggs mixed with the farinaceous substance and the milk turned to whey, while one more carefully baked will have eggs and milk formed into a thick custard on the top.

It should be combined with farinaceous and vegetable food, in order to correct the heating effects of a concentrated animal diet.

58 examples of  farinaceous  in sentences