15 examples of farmes in sentences

And keepe a Farme and Carters.

Truly to speake, and with no addition, We goe to gaine a little patch of ground That hath in it no profit but the name To pay fiue duckets, fiue I would not farme it; Nor will it yeeld to Norway or the Pole A rancker rate, should it be sold in fee.

If the Gent[leman] fall my lady has promist me a farme of 100 pounds a yeare; goe to, then.

He that hath that to farme, with a faire and profitable garden thereto belonging, paieth euery yeere to saint Marke, fifteene hundred crownes.

slid, not for the spending of two farmes more, if they were come into my hands once.

There is built about eighty houses, and I have settled at least three hundred farmes contiguous to it.

make but my farme as much more and kisse her.

the farme...to it.

Andrew have his farme increasd.

My old Master Did you no small pleasure when he procur'd her And stock'd you in a farme.

And a sweet farme he has given us a mile off Sir. Cha.

Well honest Andrew, I gave you a farme, And it shall have a beacon to give warning To my other Tenants when the Foe approaches;

I come in time to take possession Of th' office you assigne me; hold the doore, Alas 'tis nothing for a simple man To stay without when a deepe understanding Holds conference within, say with his wife: A trifle Sir, I know I hold my farme In Cuckolds Tenure: you are Lord o'the soile Sir, Lilly is a Weft, a Straie shee's yours, to use Sir, I claime no interest in her.

Ile confirme thy farme, And add unto't an hundred acres more Adjoyning to it.

And, Now, We Mandans Indian We are maken houses this River south sides and We are farmes And we have Great fieldsand

15 examples of  farmes  in sentences