1979 examples of fascinates in sentences

Strange how a bayonet fascinates me!

But it is not the mere looks of the Victoria, it is its life which fascinates.

She fascinates me.

" He promised compliance with her wishes; but the thought flitted through his mind, "Can it be possible the young man fascinates her, that she wants to fly from him?"

Archaeology fascinates me.

"It's not his love that I'm afraid of," she said hurriedly, for at this moment we heard the dip of a paddle in the water, "it's something in his very soul that terrifies me in a way I have never been terrified before,yet fascinates me.

If the strong personality of the manwith all that dauntless bravery, that unerring sagacity, that trenchant tonguestill after two thousand years fascinates attention, if we are forced to own that for sheer power of will and intellect he stands in the very foremost rank of men, yet we feel also that in the case of such superhuman wickedness tyrannicide would, if it ever could, cease to be a crime.

You will yet cull the splendid blossom that fascinates you, at least I hope so.

And tell me by what means your eye conquers the furious dog that would bite you,tell me how that dog is able to follow your traces, and to find the quail or the fox for you,tell me how the cat chills the bird it would spring upon,how the serpent fascinates its victim with a flash of its glittering eye.

It has often been described in detail, but it is always new and always different, and it fascinates its witnesses.

It is so pronounced, so peculiar, so repulsive to one man, so attractive to another, that, like his own dread statue of Lorenzo de' Medici, "it fascinates and is intolerable."

By some writers such themes are treated with a power which fascinates even those who most disapprove the manner in which it is exercised; by others with a feebleness which shows that the infection has spread even to the most incapable of the contributors to our circulating libraries.

The writer proceeds as follows: Though wholly destitute of ornament and even of the simplest moldings, the parapet of each tower possesses an extraordinary coping, which instantly attracts and fascinates the gaze.

The scholastic mind so displayed in action fascinates me.

The sight, as Rogers said well, "fascinates and is intolerable."

They sang of banquets in gorgeous halls, Of raiment tinct with saffron dyes; Of ivory towers and crystal walls And beauty in many a wondrous guise, And all that fascinates and enthralls The saint and the sinner, the fool and the wise.

But above all perverse, almost everything perverse interests, fascinates me.

His serpentine beauty, his winning graciousness, his aesthetic refinement, his masculine energy of intellect, his insinuating affectionateness, with his selfish love of pleasure and his cowardly recoil from pain, his subdulous serenity and treacherous calm, as of a faithless summer sea, make up a being that at once fascinates and repels, that invites love, but turns our love into loathing almost before we have given it."

Whatever fascinates the senses alone is mere matter and the rude element of a work of art:if it take the lead it will inevitably destroy the poeticalwhich lies at the exact medium between the ideal and the sensible.

He addresses readers who will challenge and examine what he says, not those whose minds are cowed and beaten down before audacity in proportion to its coolness, and whom paradox, the more extreme the better, fascinates and drags captive.

We also saw that special marks in feathers among Dakotas indicated that the wearer had taken a human life, which, more than anything else, excites the admiration of savage women; so that what fascinates them in such a case is not the feather itself but the deed it stands for.

Her eyes are of jade, and so fine is the powdered sand she sifts from her tapering fingers it turns the air to an amber haze; so potent its magic spell, it fascinates and enthralls, while it repels.

It all fascinates me, it increases my pride, but it makes me unhappy too, because it excludes beauty so completely.

But above all perverse, almost everything perverse interests, fascinates me.

I can't remember all the things she said about this charming cottage in this most supremely beautiful spot, but I sat and listened, and the description held me spell-bound, as a snake fascinates a frog; with this difference, instead of being swallowed by the description, I swallowed it.

1979 examples of  fascinates  in sentences