6 examples of feeble-mindedness in sentences

Included are all sorts of examples of feeble-mindedness varying from the moron to the imbecile and idiot, arrested brain life.

What we know of the endocrine factors in heredity leads us to suppose that it is the mating of one marked endocrine insufficiency with another that is often responsible for the inherited tendency to feeble-mindedness and insanity.

Feeble-mindedness, ranging from stupidity to imbecility, may also be a direct effect of insufficient endocrine supply to the brain cells.

Syphilis is the chief cause of feeble-mindedness, paresis, or softening of the brain, and of most other mental defects in children.

Even the legal tests as to insanity and feeble-mindedness are neither logical nor humane.

It is only when both father and mother are feeble-minded that feeble-mindedness is sure to show in the offspring.

6 examples of  feeble-mindedness  in sentences