105 examples of felices in sentences

et a bocha da Ms. Ludovico Ariosto ho inteso quanta leticia ha conceputa del felice parto mio: il che mi è stato summamente grato, cussi lo ringrazio de la visitazione, et particolarmente di havermi mandato il dicto Ms. Ludovico, per che ultra che mi sia stato acetto, representando la persona de la S.V. Reverendiss.

To a stupid justice of the peace, who had wearied him with a long account of his having caused four convicts to be condemned to transportation, he answered, "I heartily wish I were a fifth;" a repartee that calls to our mind Horace's answer to the impertinent fellow: Omnes composui; Felices!

[4720] "Felices ter et amplius Quos irrupta tenet copula, nec ullis Divulsus querimoniis Suprema citius solvit amor die.

"O quoties dixi Zephyris properantibus illuc, Felices pulchram visuri Amaryllada venti." "O happy western winds that blow that way, For you shall see my love's fair face to day.

" O thrice happy man that shall enjoy her: as they that saw Hero in Museus, and Salmacis to Hermaphroditus, "Felices mater, &c. felix nutrix.

And yet for all this we bachelors desire to be married; with that vestal virgin, we long for it, Felices nuptae!

1. Natus in florentissima totius orbis civitate, nobilissimis parentibus, corpores vires habuit et rarissimas animi dotes, uxorem conapicuam, pudicam, felices liberos, consulare decus, sequentes triumphos, &c. 929.

Omitto aegros, exules, mendicos, quos nemo audet felices dicere.

Hos libros, scio multos spernere, nam felices his se non indigere putant, infelices ad solationem miseriae non sufficere.

Et tamen felicibus moderationem, dum inconstantiam humanae felicitatis docent, praestant; infelices si omnia recte aestimare velint, felices reddere possunt.

Vos quidem divites putatis felices, sed nescitis eorum miserias.

[oo] Felices proavorum atavos, felicia dicas Saecula, quae quondam sub regibus atque tribunis Viderunt uno contentam carcere Romam.

[Footnote 6: "Hosanna Sanctus Deus Sabaoth Superillustrans claritate tuâ Felices ignes horum Malahoth.

¡Qué felices eran los niños!

'Vere felices conjuges, in quorum consortio tanta munditia, in colloquio pudicitia reperta est.

Fatis accede, Deisque, Et cole felices, miseros fuge.

Dicimus autem Hos quoque felices, qui ferre incommoda vitæ, Nec jactare jugum, vita didicere magistra.

" He did not mean that they are happy only in the sense of being "fortunate," felices, in such moments, but that they were happy in the sense of being "blessed," beati; and this feeling of blessedness they communicate.

O gran bontà, Dolce pietà, Felice quel che teco unito sta!

[Footnote 8: Pauci quos aequus amavit Jupiter, atque ardens evexit ad aethera Virtus, Felices, potuere!]

[Footnote L: Everybody remembers how Scaliger illustrated it in the case of the Gascons,Felices, quibus vivere est bibere.

But Virgil is more specific "Ipsa dies alios alio dedit ordine Luna Felices operum; quintam fuge....

SEE Bashford, Felice.

'Felices errore suo ...' Lucan.

Ille, datis vadibus, qui rure extractus in urbem est, Solos felices viventes clamat in urbe.

105 examples of  felices  in sentences