60 examples of felicitates in sentences

PUNCHINELLO felicitates his readers upon the enterprise which enables him to lay it before them, and flatters himself that the enormous trouble and expense involved in hauling it to this side of the Atlantic, will not prevent him from doing it againif necessary.

PUNCHINELLO felicitates the Municipal Police Force on the magnificent new shields with which the manly breasts of its members are decorated.

<Congratulate, felicitate.

When we French have a possession across the seas, we like to sit in Paris and to felicitate ourselves upon it.

While there prevailed the passing tumult occasioned by those who crowded one another to get into the greenroom and felicitate the actresses and by those who were going to make calls on the ladies in the boxes, some expressed their opinions of the play and the players.

V. congratulate, gratulate^; felicitate; give one joy, wish one joy; compliment; tender one's congratulations, offer one's congratulations; wish many happy returns of the day, wish a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Quid insanius quam pro momentanea felicitate aeternis te mancipare suppliciis? 193.

1. virtute tua major, quam aut Hetrusci imperii fortuna, aut numerosa et decora prolis felicitate beatior evadis.

15. panem et aquam natura desiderat, et haec qui habet, ipso cum Jove de felicitate contendat.

Nor have we less reason to felicitate ourselves on the position of our political than of our commercial concerns.

In putting "The Arragonian Queen" under the protection of Lady Frances Lumley, in fact, the author confessed that she had not the happiness of being known to the object of her praise, but wished to be the first to felicitate her publicly upon her nuptials.

To whatever object we turn our attention, whether it relates to our foreign or domestic concerns, we find abundant cause to felicitate ourselves in the excellence of our institutions.

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: At no period of our political existence had we so much cause to felicitate ourselves at the prosperous and happy condition of our country.

The field is certainly a very ample onewe cannot but felicitate the public in having a person of the acknowledged talents, industry, and original views of Mr. S. to supply the deficiency.

" "Felicitate me, Professor, felicitate me on my marriage.

" "Felicitate me, Professor, felicitate me on my marriage.

when she has so much on her mind; and when at last he goes, and she begins to felicitate herself that she is rid of him, back he comes again in the evening, and repeats the same annoyance.

"That seat," he said, "is an arrangement upon which I much felicitate myself.

He could not felicitate himself enough.

Miss Whipple, driving her own car as no other Whipple could have driven it, had hastened to felicitate the bride.

Like a rejected lover making merry at the wedding of his rival, the President felicitates himself hugely over the late presidential election.

'I felicitate you, sir,' he said, taking off his hat.

"I felicitate the State of Maryland, whose Chief Magistrate honors this assembly with his presence, upon the establishment within her borders of an independent institution of the highest education.

The inhabitants of Blancheville, in public meeting assembled, felicitate you on stupendous success of all your prophecies.

Now, just when I was beginning in some modest measure to felicitate myself, there comes news of a crushing master-stroke devised by the Government.

60 examples of  felicitates  in sentences