81113 examples of felt in sentences

He felt the greatest pleasure in her company, and remained ten days with his uncle, regularly taking part in the jousts and contests of the horsemen and warriors.

The soul of Djaida felt keenly this indignity.

At these words Khaled felt thrilled with surprise and admiration, that such spirit and resolution should have been exhibited in the conduct of Djaida.

After these exploits they exchanged congratulations, and Djaida felt happy to be with Khaled.

The interest he felt in Cais, and the deep distrust with which the falseness of the Fazareanswho were always ready for treasoninspired him, induced him to show himself.

He provided himself with stones and went to hide himself at the great pass, and Hadifah felt confident of gaining the wager.

Upon thy grassy tomb I knelt, And sought from pain a short relief Th' attempt was vainI only felt Intenser pangs and livelier grief.

The more I think, the more I am vexed at having puzzled you with that letter; but I have been so out of letter-writing of late years that it is a sore effort to sit down to it; and I felt in your debt, and sat down waywardly to pay you in bad money.

I felt it to be a good one, but my turn, when I write at all, is perversely to travel out of the record, so that my letters are anything but answers.

Being, as you know, not quite a Churchman, I felt a jealousy at the Church taking to herself the whole deserts of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, from Druid extirpation downwards.

He felt the equivoke, looked awkward and reddish, but soon returned to the attack by saying that he thought Burns was as good as Shakspeare.

It felt almost like sacrilege to peer thus into the privacies of such people; but I hope they did not feel as if it had been done offensively.

She sometimes felt proud of him, despite the ever present knowledge that, intellectually speaking, she was his superior.

If he felt any misgiving as to her power of mastering her team he kept it to himself.

The other matter was too delicate, he felt, for his amateur handling, and, besides, he was not altogether sure even of his own position.

What about this atheism and superstition and ignorance; isn't it just a non-Christian civilization with Christian labels on some parts of it?" "One thing I've heard," put in Jeannette, not that she wanted to argue, but she felt she ought to say something on J.W.'s side if she could, "that the religions of the Orient, at least, are really great religions, more suited to the minds of the people than any other.

Washington did not feel better the night Cornwallis surrendered, than I felt on that great occasion!"

" David was now compelled to leave the place, for Captain Truck, who perceived that the whole party was getting together again, in consequence of the halt, felt the propriety of dismissing his visiter, of whom, his master, and Dowse, he retained just as much recollection as one retains of a common stage-coach companion after twenty years.

The self- respect and the habits of the latter, generally preserved them from betraying this feebleness of character, if indeed they felt it.

I do not know whether you were struck with the same peculiarity, but, whenever I felt in the mood to hear high monarchical and aristocratical doctrines blindly promulgated, I used to go to the nearest American Legation.

I am glad, however, to find that, even while you felt some uncertainty concerning your own birth-place, you took so much interest in us, as to identify yourself in feeling, at least, with the nation.

She felt the necessity of saying something, and yet they had walked some distance, ere it was in her power to utter a syllable.

" Paul, like all men agitated by strong passion, was inconsistent, and far from just; and Eve felt the truth of this, even while her mind was ingeniously framing excuses for his weaknesses.

Still, the impression that she was about to listen to a declaration that possibly ought never to be made, weighed upon her, and caused her to speak with more coldness than she actually felt.

Poor Ann could not have felt more shocked, had she heard of any unexpected calamity, than she was at this sudden outbreaking of feeling in her child.

81113 examples of  felt  in sentences