Do we say fessed or fest

fessed 3 occurrences

Don't let's talk about them any more, Ross: I have 'fessed' all now.

He was a figger caller till he 'fessed religion.

"Dave didn't hardly knowed w'at ter do; but he could n' tell no lie, so he 'fessed he could read de Bible a little by spellin' out de words.

fest 12 occurrences

Himlen er bleven Jordens Gjaest Snart er det Julens sode Fest.

When we came to the hotel he asked the landlord for a room for me, who immediately came to me and explained that on account of the great "Fest" (anniversary) he had turned all the spare rooms of the house into coffee-rooms, "but," said he, "though I know that Americans are used to good accommodations, I can only offer you the Fruchtkammer (granery) to-night, where I have a good nice bed for you, however, if that will suit you."

The city was splendidly decorated with flags, and the "Fest" was a grand success in every respect.

The Beschehr-Fest, in particular, came back to him,the feast of gifts at Christmas,when the entire community paired off and gave presents, many of which had taken weeks to make or the savings of many days to purchase.


He no longer alluded to the hazards of the passage, but strove, by the thousand nameless assiduities which his station enabled him to man fest, to expel all recollection of had passed from their minds.


The history of the Jornado, of indwellers named and known, begins with six Americans, as follows: Sandoval, a Mexican; Toussaint, a Frenchman; Fest, a German; Martin, a German; Roullier, a Swiss; and Teagardner, a Welshman.

von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Fest-Kalender aus Böhmen, p. 67).

" L. Lloyd, Peasant Life in Sweden (London, 1870), pp. 233 sq. Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Fest-Kalender aus Böhmen (Prague, N.D.), pp. 211 sq.; Br. Jelínek, "Materialien zur Vorgeschichte und Volkskunde Böhmens," Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, xxi.

307 sq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie* i. 519; Theodor Vernaleken, Mythen und Bräuche des Volkes in Oesterreich (Vienna, 1859), p. 308; Joseph Virgil Grohmann, Aberglauben und Gebräuche aus Bohmen und Mähren (Prague and Leipsic, 1864), p. 80, § 636; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Fest-Kalender aus Bohmen (Prague, N.D.), pp.

"This fest was noble ynow, and nobliche y-do [done]; For mony was the faire ledy, that y-come was thereto.

Do we say   fessed   or  fest