5 examples of feudalization in sentences

Feudalization of Europe, and partial metamorphosis of the mark or township into the manor.

The mark or township, transformed by the process of feudalization, becomes the manor.

The process of feudalization, throughout western Europe in general, was no doubt begun by the institution of Benefices, or "grants of Roman provincial land by the chieftains of the" Teutonic "tribes which overran the Roman Empire; such grants being conferred on their associates upon certain conditions, of which the commonest was military service."

In England the effects of feudalization were different from what they were in France, but the process was still carried very far, especially under the Norman kings.

It has been maintained that a formal and definitive act, forming the initial point of the feudalization of England, is to be found in a clause of the laws, as they are called, of the Conqueror; which directs that every freeman shall affirm, by covenant and oath, that "he will be faithful to King William within England and without, will join him in preserving his lands and honor with all fidelity, and defend him against his enemies."

5 examples of  feudalization  in sentences