61593 examples of fews in sentences

A friend of mine found her, as he thinks frequenting Lough Leath, or the Grey Lake on a mountain of the Fews.

" The motor flew ahead and in a few moments later we were making our arrangements with a local station-master for a special train to Berlin.

A few moments later we were comfortably drinking our tall glasses of beer and smoking Tannhauser cigars, with an appetising pile of coloured tickets and certificates in front of us.

In fact, I had only been in it a few hours.

There were no treesonly here and there a clump of cactus or chaparral, a tuft of dog-grass or a few patches of dogwood.

My companion descended, and with a little bar that he took from beneath the car unloosed a few of the rails of the light track and laid them beside the road.

"You must wait a few moments," said an aide-de-camp, who stood beside us.

" In a few minutes the aide-de-camp returned.

There were but few signs of life in its one streeta mule here and there tethered in the sun, and one or two Mexicans drowsily smoking in the shade.

So you see the only conclusion that I can reach is that everybody is very naughty and that the only remedy would be to appoint me a committeeme and a few others, though the others don't really matterto make a proper settlement.

It is the tiger way to tease, long moments, with half-bared talons; to let the prey crawl away a few feet for the rapture of leaping at it again; to fondle with an exquisite cruelty for moments that seem endless to its prey.

She crept forward, a few feet at a time.

Every few seconds he called again.

There were papers there he must savethe master's license, the insurance policy, and a few other things.

He had been born a few decades too late; here in Hayti he had stepped back a century or so into the age of credulity.

He hired a pony forthwith and set out for a few days in the hinterland.

"It's only a few days off now"they were in bed the next morning, finishing the conversation begun the night

" We talked for a few moments.

Few and many never assume the plural form, because they have naturally a plural signification; and a few or a great many is not a collection so definite that we can well conceive of fews and manies; but both are sometimes construed substantively, though in modern English it seems to be mostly by ellipsis of the noun.

It was a good thing that the four leaf clover was found soonand by Sahwah, too, which was taken as a further omen of good luckor the strain of the silence might have been fatal to a few of the searchers.

I'm going to build another kite!" She sped into the house and in a few moments was busy nailing together another frame while the rest of the Winnebagos stood around and handed her tacks, paper, paste, and everything as she needed it.

Nyoda noticed that Agony did not cheer for Many Eyes; she had slipped away from the Winnebagos and stood by herself a few paces off, trying to look like a disinterested spectator.

" "Dey did 'pear ter die, but a few un 'em come out ag'in, en is mixed in 'mongs' de yuthers.

We remained seated in the carriage, a few rods from the mill, and watched the leisurely movements of the mill-hands.

After we dubbed through a few deals, gettin' on to each other's play, I see Charlie stow away a pair of aces.

61593 examples of  fews  in sentences