7 examples of fiamme in sentences

For this reason the Alpini are often called the "fiamme verdi," or green flames, and the Bersaglieri "fiamme rosse," or red flames.

For this reason the Alpini are often called the "fiamme verdi," or green flames, and the Bersaglieri "fiamme rosse," or red flames.

They are, therefore, known as "fiamme nere," or black flames.

O these "fiamme verdi," who can talk and sing themselves into such transfigured ecstasies, as to turn, death and pain almost into easy glories!

But the poet found the prettiness of the Greek Anthology irresistible. Olindo, tied to the stake amidst the flames of martyrdom, can say to his mistress "Altre fiamme, altri nodi amor promise."

[Footnote 6: This tomb, Tancred says, in an address which he makes to it, "has his flames inside of it, and his tears without:" "Che dentro hai le mie fiamme, e fuori il pianto."

sotto l'arme già sentir gli parve Caldo o fervor come di foco intenso; Ma pur, se fosser vere fiamme o larve, Mal potè giudicar tosto il senso: Perchè repente, appena tocco, sparve Quel simulacro, e giunse un nuvol denso, Che portò notte e verno; e 'l verno ancora E l'ombra dileguossi in picciol'ora.

7 examples of  fiamme  in sentences