98 examples of fibs in sentences

When you were as pretty as that you could, by the whole idiotic consensus, be nothing but pretty; and when you were nothing "but" pretty you could get into nothing but tight places, out of which you could then scramble by nothing but masses of fibs.

I, who so oft renounce the muses, lie, Not 's self e'er tells more fibs than I; When sick of Muse, our follies we deplore, And promise our best friends to rhyme no more; We wake next morning in a raging fit, And call for pen and ink to show our wit.

Two little fibs for Miss Gloria; yet, certainly, very small fibs which hurt no one.

Two little fibs for Miss Gloria; yet, certainly, very small fibs which hurt no one.

As soon as the door had closed behind the haberdasher, Celeste began to laugh in her impudent way: "What a lot of fibs you told her!

"No; I mustn't tell fibs!

I would tell all the fibs in the world to help her.

"I felt rather a pig talking fibs to the poor girl," confessed Madame.

Besides, he never tells fibs.

Barring these cases, I must adhere to my resolution of telling no fibs.

This Notary manages his cause most weakly, and Sherlock 'fibs' him like a scientific pugilist.

One or two small incidents have in the meantime shown us that there is a little rift in the idyllic happiness of Inga and Gar, arising from her inveterate habit of telling trifling fibs to avoid facing the petty annoyances of life.

He sung an easy song, and the Baby exclaimed, 'Ah, Sir! you are very naughty,you tell fibs!'

Besides, these few kind words that are supposed to be such a sovereign remedy for all sorts of domestic understandings are generally a few kind fibs.

Fibs dont make lasting truces either.

It don't hinder her having told fibs all her lifetime.

They told me it was no use of me trying to tell them fibs.

He has been, from the necessities of his position, a man of the world and a politician, and he is as ready as Mr. Bertie-Tremaine's guests in Endymion to talk of "that heinous subject on which enormous fibs are ever toldthe Registration."

"Come, Rafael," the woman continued affectionately, "don't be a child and try to pass off the fibs boys use to deceive mama with.

" "Don't go telling any fibs," said Leonora, gently, smiling with just a suggestion of gratification.

" "The fibs I have to invent," said Tommy, to the same confidante, "to get myself out of their way!"

" "You are the worst man for fibs I ever knew," she laughed.

"Father disliked you at first," was the child's frank comment; "he said you told fibs, but now he wants us to be friends."

" "I knows I fibs dreadful; but believe me, Miss, I never finds out I have fibbed until they tells me so," was a remark actually made.

" "I will not be forcibly detained by any old woman in America," said Evelyn, struggling stoutly, "nor questioned either about a pack of fibs.

98 examples of  fibs  in sentences