26053 examples of fights in sentences

When at home he spent his time in pistol-shooting, making sham fights with wooden ships about the rockeries of the lake, and building ugly turrets on the battlements.

Of Cadiz, the next stage, he writes with enthusiasm as a modern Cythera, describing the bull fights in his verse, and the beauties in glowing prose.

But what struck them most of all was the grim severity of the palaces, which appeared to be impregnable strongholds, and the towns still scarred with the marks of fierce and sanguinary faction fights.

And so to-day an Italian Army fighting on the Isonzo Front fights in continual danger of having its line of communications cut by an Austrian offensive from the Trentino.

One who retreats cuts a poor figure beside a rear-guard that stays behind and fights.

FIGHTS WITH FLYING CIRCUS Feb. 1, 1918.Had a great time this last week, and made six long bombardments.

In deep niches cut in the side the soldiers rest, play cards or even sleep on damp ledges between fights.

One sees them on the road the day after one of these desperate fights marching cheerfully along, singing songs and laughing and joking with one another.

They stand round with a cup of chocolate in one hand, a doughnut in the other, and fight their fights over again until officers drive them to the dressing rooms.

Even mighty Pam, that kings and queens o'erthrew, And mowed down armies in the fights of Loo, Sad chance of war!

Is the reward of virtue bread? That, vice may merit, 'tis the price of toil; The knave deserves it, when he tills the soil, The knave deserves it when he tempts the main, Where folly fights for kings, or dives for gain.

At Las Uvas they keep up all the good customs brought out of Old Mexico or bred in a lotus-eating land; drink, and are merry and look out for something to eat afterward; have children, nine or ten to a family, have cock-fights, keep the siesta, smoke cigarettes and wait for the sun to go down.

School-teachers from abroad have tried before now at Las Uvas to have school begin on the first of September, but got nothing else to stir in the heads of the little Castros, Garcias, and Romeros but feasts and cock-fights until after the Sixteenth.

Lancelot almost ran out into the night,into a triad of fights, two drunken men, two jealous wives, and a brute who struck a poor, thin, worn-out woman, for trying to coax him home.

At such a price he paid for fights against the Church!

Formerly they had feuds, and fights, and church meetings, at which odd pieces of scandal were bandied aboutthey may have morsels of unpleasantness yet to encounter; but taking them all in all they are moving on serenely and well.

The rebellion of 1715 virtually collapsed at Preston; many fights and skirmishes were indulged in, one or two breezy passages of arms even took place within a good stone-throw of the ground occupied by the Church of the English Martyrs; but the King's troops finally prevailed.

And he scorns the things that are tame, If all seems lost, he still fights on, For ever he plays the game.

He doth use much to arbitrate quarrels, and fights himself, exceeding well, out at a window.

It is a left-handed garrison where their authority perches; but the more preposterous the more in fashion, the right hand fights while the left rules the reins.

The truth is, the soldier and the gentleman are like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, one fights at all adventures to purchase the other the government of the island.

apple fights, BB gun fights, the sound of the schoolhouse bell calling them out of the woods after a long recess.

It is a struggle; for though the black man fights passively, he nevertheless fights; and his passive resistance is more effective at present than active resistance could possibly be.

It is a struggle; for though the black man fights passively, he nevertheless fights; and his passive resistance is more effective at present than active resistance could possibly be.


26053 examples of  fights  in sentences