Do we say file or phial

file 3225 occurrences

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99, JULY 5, 1890*** E-text prepared by Malcolm Farmer, William Flis, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustrations.

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SEE File, Quentin W. PUTNAM, GEORGE PALMER. Duration.

SEE File, Quentin W. <pb id='473.png' />

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** E-text prepared by Jonathan Ingram, Sandra Brown, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustration.

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*** E-text prepared by Malcolm Farmer, William Flis, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustrations.

When the validity of a marriage is doubted, either party may file a petition and the court shall decree it annulled or affirmed according to the proof.

Many great ones Would part with half their states, to have the place, And credit to beg in the first file, Master:

A brave clear Spirit; Hemskirk, you were to blame: a civil habit Oft covers a good man: and you may meet In person of a Merchant, with a soul As resolute, and free, and all wayes worthy, As else in any file of man-kind: pray you, What meant you so to slight him? Hem.

phial 172 occurrences

He looked at the hole in my arm and at my scorched legs, and from his belt took a phial of ointment, which he rubbed on the former.

"In this phial," answered the physician.

" "Ayaunt, tempter!" cried Ananda, hurling the phial indignantly away.

A surgeon approached the bedside, bearing a phial and a lancet.

she asked, and taking the phial from her bosom she rubbed the white thick liquid on his eye-balls, and in a little while, when the mistiness passed off, she pointed with her hand and told him to look there.

The sceptical idiots of the play pretend to give him a phial nearly full of water.

"My dear CatulleI beg of you to send me by the very first mail another phial of the same tasteless essence which you sent three years ago.

Should the salinometer be accidentally broken, a temporary one may be constructed of a phial weighted with a few grains of shot or other convenient weight.

The weighted phial is first to be floated in fresh water, and its line of floatation marked; then to be floated in salt water, and its line of floatation marked; and another mark of an equal height above the salt water mark will be the blow off point.

" With this he dressed the tumour; and pouring the contents of a large phial which he had brought with him in a cup, he held it to the burning lips of the apprentice, who eagerly quaffed it.

And drawing a small phial from his doublet, he poured its contents into a glass, and administered it to the patient.

At this key the phial may be charged; and all the other electric experiments be performed, which are usually done by the help of a rubbed glass globe or tube, and thereby the sameness of the electric matter with that of lightning be completely demonstrated.

He seems to think the Almighty has nothing grander to do than to finger every little cog of the tremendous machinery of the universe,that he measures out the ocean of his purposes as we drop a liquid from a phial.

He was in need of stimulants, and he held up a pitiful two-ounce phial containing three thimblefuls of brandy,his whole stock of that encouraging article.

" Ambrosio hastened to secure a phial of the mysterious potion.

He went to comfort Antonia in her distress, and contrived to pour a few drops from the phial into a draught that she was taking.

By a simple ruse Nydia obtained the poisoned draught and in its place substituted a phial of simple water.

So that at night, in place of the tiny phial which held a glass, and which you used to draw out of your pocket so slily when mother was weakly, you may now mix for her a tumbler of rum-punch; and if you don't take some too, I'll send you no more.

The seeds, once extracted, she put into a small phial, which she corked up tightly and put carefully away in her bureau drawer.

I rolled my eyes into the corner, and saw the old woman, no longer abstracted, pouring out some drops of medicine from a little blue phial into a glass.

In a small white phial there still remained a little of the drug that had kept him awake and active for four long nights.

" He looked at the little phial.

" He turned to the window ledge by the stable door where, among a confusion of cobwebs and dusty bottles and tin cans, the drench of turpentine and linseed oil, the little phial of chlorodyne, and the clean tin pannikin with its wide protruding mouth, stood ready, all gleaming in the lantern light, forgotten since the day before.

Rowcliffe pointed to the little phial of chlorodyne lying in the straw.

And the little phial of chlorodyne was put back among the cobwebs and forgotten.

Do we say   file   or  phial