21 examples of fillin in sentences

Like ALADIN'S lamp, you can By merely givin' a rub, Bring around most any man, By fillin' him up with grub.

Not enough to be fillin', and plenty to give us the scurrvy.

McGinty's been fillin' you full o' guff."

jampot's fillin' up fine.

Here is my first order: Mingle with the men of this encampment with the idea of fillin' your stomachs with food, an', that done, lie down to sleep until I shall summon you.

Does it need fillin'?"

Mrs. How then rose and got up, and said: "Feller citizens: We've got together, as usual, without any plan of operation, except to howl and make faces at the critter man, ontil he is ready to give up his liberties and endow us angelic beeins with the privilege of fillin' up with benzine on eleckshun day; to vote and rool the destinies of the land."

But I tell you, boys, I'd rather drive the wust six-hoss team I ever got hold on down Breakneck Hill 'n the dark, than set there agin under thet woman's eyes, a blazin' one minnit, 'n fillin' with tears the next: 'n' I don't care what anybody sez; I'm a goin' to see her an' tell her that she needn't be afeard

"He come out er de woods jest ez we wuz fillin' our buckets.

Now Miss Statia has been fillin' trunks and baskets ever sense she could do anything, so that she's got a pretty likely stockbut no one ever came along this way but what was married already, and that's the meanin' of bein' crossed in love.

Anyhow, a nice fillin' would set 'em off.

I ain't tried no fillin's yet.

At first he didn't know just what to make of that fillin'; but when he seen it was real gold a grin broke over his face, his chest swelled up, and he walked out of the office and across the street to a novelty store.

" Well, me and Mike lived in them dental parlors for a couple of weeks, decoyin' occasional natives into it, pullin', spilin', fillin', and filin' more teeth than a few, but bimeby the sport got tame.

" I pulled back the tent fly and stepped out; then I called to Mike, for the first thing I seen was that gold fillin' of ours.

The next second he slipped again, and Mr. "Man in Love with a Gold Fillin'" passed him.

"I borried Effie's embroidery rings and set the two holes for them and run them in one way, leavin' them the fillin' to do, which they have, sittin' the whole afternoon at it most perseverin'.

There'll be smokin' enough in the next world, they say, but that's cold comfort to a man without the fillin's of a pipe or a match to light it.

This is a queer run, Mattie, from the regulation point of view, this company of ours; I know enough about fillin' and backin' to know thatyou ought to have seen the pryin', and pokin', and nosin' around them Boston men did before they took holt of the Chantay Seeche and made it a stock company!

Fillin' the tank, low snortin' and rushin' of the waters up and down, chasin' along the pipes in every room, hammerin', kickin', shootin', like enraged artillery, at last thundering like the most skairful clap of thunder and then with a fearful roar the volume of water would mount up and pour into the spare room and drizzle down into the settin' room below, takin' off the plasterin' in spite of our very best efforts to bail it out.

I knowed it was more fillin' than vittles, more rousin' than whisky, more soothin' than lodlum.

21 examples of  fillin  in sentences