1330 examples of filming in sentences

Steadily the scent grew stronger, and by the middle of the afternoon the sun was veiled by a film of smoke.

There was a red film before his eyes.

He should have paid heed to the first threat of a thin film across the sky; he should have turned back with Gloria the first thing this morning; he should have done anything in the world save exactly what he had done.

"I have five more exposures on this roll of film, boys.

"And I would give you the filming of my next play for nothing," Elizabeth ventured, "if either of those two men could possibly have been an art teacher....

" The subject passed away with the drinking of the toast, and with the necessity for a guard upon himself gone, Philip found himself eating and drinking mechanically, watching all the time the woman who sat opposite to him, who had now engaged Mr. Raymond Greene in an animated conversation on the subject of the suitability for filming of certain recent plays.

Conjugal virtue, domestic content and happiness, are beautiful to look upon for a while, but I confess that in a remorseless continuous film ("featuring" Dawson and Emma) I find them boresome.

" Naturally Blake and Joe were interested at once, and making the acquaintance of Mr. Calvert Hadley, who was in charge of the taking of the play, or "filming it," as the technical term has it, the two boys were given an opportunity to get into the business.

Blake and Joe watched the filming of the drama, recalling the time when they used to turn the handle of the camera at the same work, before they were chosen to go out after bigger picturesscenes from real life.

"Remember that time, Blake, when we were filming the volcano, and the ground opened right at your feet?

With all that I have nothing to do in this book, but I hope you will pardon just a little reference to the Canal, especially the lock features, since Joe and Blake had a part in at least filming those wonderful structures.

Now you'll see something worth 'filming,' as you call it.

For several miles nothing worth "filming" was seen, and Blake and Joe were beginning to feel that perhaps they had had their trouble for nothing.

Of course no one could tell when a slide would occur, and they had to take chances of filming it.

Of course this filming of nature was not all there was to the business.

"I was filming away up to the time you went under.

They were squatting upon their hams, and their attitude seemed uncanny when I compared it with the mad film of action which my mental machinery had recorded during the preceding hours.

Then there was SHAKSPEARE, who wrote quaint old-fashioned plays quite unsuitable for filming, but nevertheless enjoyed a certain fame until it was proved that he never existed and that SHAKESPEARE was the name of a syndicate; or that if he did exist he was somebody else; when all interest in his work naturally evaporated.

THE FILMING OF "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," a classical comicality in one act by Arthur LeRoy Kaser.

The filming of "Uncle Tom's cabin.

THE FILMING OF "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," a classical comicality in one act by Arthur LeRoy Kaser.

The filming of "Uncle Tom's cabin.

R71008, 5Dec50, Columbia Pictures Corp. (PWH) FORBIDDEN PARADISE, synopsis by C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation.

R68450, 17Oct50, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp. (PWH) THE FUN BOOK.

He had choked love, strangled it, starved it for sake of friendship; and, sitting there staring abstractedly into the filming coals, he wondered if he had done wrong; if those two were right, and love was worth fighting for.

1330 examples of  filming  in sentences