1579 examples of finances in sentences

Mrs. Carey looked at them searchingly, wondering if they could possibly guess the state of her finances, concluded they couldn't and said smilingly: "Indeed I will gladly let you saw for an hour or two if you'll come and sit by the fire on Saturday night, when we are going to play spelling games and have doughnuts and root beer.

The finances were in a state of the greatest confusion; and the Spanish troops were in many places seditious, in some openly mutinous, Alva having left large arrears of pay due to almost all, notwithstanding the immense amount of his pillage and extortion.

The sessions of Congress were occupied in the manufacture of political capital; for a cloud had arisen in the political heavens, portending storms and animosities, and the discussion of important subjects of national scope, such as had not agitated the country before,pertaining to finances, to tariffs, to constitutional limitations, to retrenchments, and innovations.

Like the tariff, finances were a question with which he was not competent to deal.

On the accession of General Jackson to the presidency in 1829, Mr. Clay retired to his farm at Ashland; but while he amused himself by raising fine cattle and horses, and straightening out his embarrassed finances, he was still the recognized leader of the National Republican party.

This was at the close of the war with Great Britain, when the country was poor, business prostrated, and the finances disordered.

As to the Management of Finances The financial system of the Roman community also retrograded rather than advanced during this epoch.

So far as with the extremely meagre statements before us it is allowable to speak of results, the finances of the Roman state exhibit doubtless an excess of income over expenditure, but are far from presenting a brilliant result as a whole.

What is certain is that Cicero never had more than a very moderate income on which he could depend, and that at times he was hard up for money, especially of course after his exile and the confiscation of his property; and that on the other hand he never had any difficulty in getting the sums he needed, and never shows the smallest real anxiety about his finances.

Another reason doubtless was, that as those Israelites who became servants through poverty, would not sell themselves, except as a last resort when other expedients to recruit their finances had failed(See Lev.

At the same time the consideration of the political position presses the conviction home that in our preparations for war there must be no talk of a gradual development of our forces by sea and land such as may lay the lightest possible burden on the national finances, and leave ample scope for activity in the sphere of culture.

Thus the character of these laws was in no way socialistic; nor, however, did they provide an El Dorado for the state finances, for Wang Mang's officials turned all the laws to their private advantage.

It would, of course, be necessary to pay him his income, and though this would be a great strain on the finances of the two partners, it was manageable.

This is possible only because of the multifaceted funding base that finances the free sheeter and, often, the dedication of the editorial team.

I did not know they had returned from the trip abroad where they had been making their annual visit to repair the finances of their son-in-law.

Indeed, France's finances were in a hopelessly deplorable state, and Mr. Morris looked on in dismay at the various futile plans suggested as remediesat the proposal to make the bankrupt Caisse d'Escompte a national bank, at the foolish Caisse Patriotique, and at the issue of assignats.

Indeed, I think you or I could conduct the finances of this unhappy country better than they are at present conducted," he added, laughing.

Mrs. Tilly at last died, and our gallant was left at his freedom to marry the object of his passion; but unluckily his finances were in such a situation, that he was obliged to repair them by marrying a woman of fortune.

He knew of but one pen able to write what he wanted, and alas, the finances of the Era could not command it.

I finally made her see that I couldn't ask my papa, because I hadn't any, and that I couldn't ask hers, because it was against the rules of the game as I played it, and that was her first real lesson in high finance and low finances.

In this condition of her finances it was not strange that Mrs. Cliff had thought a good deal about the investments in Valparaiso, from which she had not heard for a long time.

From the point of view of their fellow-parishioners, no doubt, the most important function of the wardens was that of administering the parish finances.

He had the management of the finances and found them very hard to manage.

[Sidenote: The national finances.]

Cette femme-ci a un rang dans le monde; elle est liée avec tout ce qu'il y a de mieux: veuve d'un mari qui avoit une grande charge dans les finances; et tu crois qu'elle fera quelque attention à moi, que je l'épouserai, moi qui ne suis rien, moi qui n'ai point de bien? DUBOIS.

1579 examples of  finances  in sentences