141777 examples of find in sentences

"Wonder if we can't find some huckleberries hereabouts," suggested Roy.

"Scared to death, I redoubled my efforts to find a way out.

I done find dis writin', too.

Maybe we can find them, after all.

"Don't say that," said Mr. Parker, coming into the room at that moment, "we'll leave no stone unturned to find her.

"Let's see if we can find which way that fellow went.

"Where under the sun did you find them, Beppo?" exclaimed the same woman who had so cruelly ill-treated The Wren the time the boys rescued her.

If anyone doubts this let him study the mind of the modern Irish peasant; let him get beneath its surface and inside its guardian ring of shrinking reserve; there he will find the same material exactly as composed the mind of the tenth century biographers of Declan and Mochuda.

More than once we find a flagstone turned into a raft to bear a missionary band beyond the seas!

Such disagreements as occur are only what one would expect to find in documents dealing with times so remote.

Return now and you will find it marked (consecrated) on the south side of your own cell.

" There was an iron shovel for drawing out the bread but the brother could not find it on the instant.

Canst find no better amusement than quarrelling with a dog of San Bernardo!

If there are too many who love to be tempted to forget their trusts, by a well-managed venality, there are a few who find a greater satisfaction in being thought beyond its influence.

"The cheeses are well enough where they find themselves; if thou dislikest their company thou hast the alternative of the water.

"One year, thou shall find the vineyard dripping liquors precious as diamonds, while, the next, barrenness shall make it its seat.

Resorting to a happy subterfuge, by means of one of his sleight-of-hand expedients, he succeeded in transferring the whole of that portion of the spectators who still found amusement in his jugglery, to the other end of the vessel, where they established themselves among the anchors, ready as ever to swallow an aliment, that seems to find an unextinguishable appetite for its reception among the vulgar.

He who reads our present legend with the eyes that we could wish, will find in its moral the illustration of this truth; for, if it is our intention to delineate some of the wrongs that spring from the abuses of the privileged and powerful, we hope equally to show how completely they fall short of their object, by failing to confer that exclusive happiness which is the goal that all struggle to attain.

We might get rid of the cynic and the egotist, and find in his stead a common-place man.

To have produced works of genius, and to find them neglected or treated with scorn, is one of the heaviest trials of human patience.

The using an elliptical mode of expression (such as he did not use to find in Guides to the English Tongue)

There is no abuse or corruption that does not there find a jesuitical palliation or a bare-faced vindication.

2. We find traces of this usage in the New Testament.

we find the Amelekites marching an army into Israel, and sweeping everything before themand this in about eighteen years after they had all been "UTTERLY DESTROYED!"

As I could not shake her off, and we were both bound for the same place, she continued walking up my back, and in this manner we gained the top of the steps and the gravelled walk, only to find that thin streams of water from subterranean fountains were shooting up through the gravel, making it useless to try to escape.

141777 examples of  find  in sentences