27 examples of fingerprint in sentences

Otherwise, the glass will look dirty, for the silicone marks will stay like a fingerprint on the glass forever.

[means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, trait; fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint [for animals]; cloven hoof; footfall; recognition (memory) 505.

Minute examination of the interior of the cab had revealed nothingnot a fingerprint, nor a scrap of handkerchief.

"European fingerprints," he said, quietly, "and European footprints out there.

"You will deny your own fingerprints, the shoeprints?" asked Ned.

Where are the Saints we left herewhy is the city desertedand why thisthis?" He shook back the thick, brown hair that fell to his shoulders, tenderly rubbed the livid fingerprints at his throat, and readjusted the collar of his blue flannel shirt.

STINSON, HUNTER. Fingerprints.

Phantom fingerprints.

SEE Beach, Rex E. Phantom fingerprints.

SEE Beach, Rex E. Phantom fingerprints.

MARSDEN, MARIE M. Junior detective's fingerprint book.

SEE Marsden, Thomas G. MARSDEN, THOMAS G. Junior detective's fingerprint book.

I'm wearing gloves because I don't want to leave any fingerprints around.

ORR, EULA D. The fingerprints of God.

SEE Orr, William M. ORR, WILLIAM M. The fingerprints of God.

Phantom fingerprints.

SEE Beach, Rex E. Phantom fingerprints.

SEE Beach, Rex E. Phantom fingerprints.

MARSDEN, MARIE M. Junior detective's fingerprint book.

SEE Marsden, Thomas G. MARSDEN, THOMAS G. Junior detective's fingerprint book.

I'm wearing gloves because I don't want to leave any fingerprints around.

ORR, EULA D. The fingerprints of God.

SEE Orr, William M. ORR, WILLIAM M. The fingerprints of God.

What is it here, bearing the fingerprints of man's mind and taste upon it?

Both the Bertillon system and the English fingerprint system involve a process of reasoning in which the middle term is undistributed.

27 examples of  fingerprint  in sentences