14 examples of fission in sentences

Their Heteromita, however, multiplied rapidly by fission.

During these processes of multiplication by fission, the Heteromita remains active; but sometimes another mode of fission occurs.

During these processes of multiplication by fission, the Heteromita remains active; but sometimes another mode of fission occurs.

Under ordinary circumstances, the Chlamydomonas multiplies by simple fission, each splitting into two or into four parts, which separate and become independent organisms.

The condition is as difficult today for the process of denominational fission has gone steadily forward, and as this energy of the religious influence weakens the strenuosity of maintenance strengthens.

Multiplication is effected through fission, that is to say, each globule or filament, after elongating, divides into two segments, each of which increases in its turn, to again divide into two parts, and so on (Fig.

The process of spore formation just described, it will be seen, is entirely non-sexual, being simply a vegetative process, analogous to the budding of higher plants, and the fission of some of the lower plants and animals.

Crucibles: the story of chemistry from ancient alchemy to nuclear fission.

Crucibles: the story of chemistry from ancient alchemy to nuclear fission.

It was further escalated by atomic fission and nuclear fusion.

The devastation, during that year, of two moderate sized cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was a foretaste of the increasingly bleak chances of human survival with the stockpiling of nuclear weapons far more destructive than the fission bombs used on the two Japanese cities.

His fate and that of his house is the subject of Æschylus' trilogy "Oresteia." AGAMOGENESIS, name given to reproduction without sex, by fission, budding, &c. AGANIPPE, a fountain in Boeotia, near Helicon, dedicated to the Muses as a source of poetic inspiration.

The process of fission was illustrated in all its observed stages from the first appearance of a construction to that of final and complete separation, the whole being performed within the space of eight or nine minutes.

Experiments as to their thermal death-point showed that, while the adults could not be killed by a temperature less than 146° F., the highest point endured by the germs was 190° F. Illustrations of a variety of other modes of fission discovered in previous researches on similar forms were given, showing the mode of multiple division and a similar process in the case of an organism contained in an investing envelope.

14 examples of  fission  in sentences