9 examples of fitte in sentences


As an example of the high degree of excellence attained by eloquence, he cites Lyly's Euphues. Whose workes surely in respecte of his singuler eloquence and brave composition of apt words and sentences, let the learned examine and make tryall thereof through all the partes of Rethoricke, in fitte phrases, in pithy sentences, in gallant tropes, in flowing speech, in plaine sence.

If now perhappes ye either loke to see Th'unhappie lovers, or the cruell sire Here to be buried as fittes their degree Or as the dyeng ladie did require Or as the ruthefull kinge in deepe despaire Behight of late (who nowe himself hath slayen)

Fitte, pointed summit.

Pique, synonymous with Fitte, pointed summit, peak.

Of his estate, left in his fittes alone Then would he wring his hands, extreamly weeping, Exclaiming on the name of one Leander, Calling him Traitor and unworthie friend So to forsake him in his miserie.



For Colin fittes such famous flight to scanne; He, were he not with love so ill bedight, Would mount as high, and sing as soote as Swanne; Piers breaks out in words fitting the poet of the Hymnes:

9 examples of  fitte  in sentences