57 examples of fixins in sentences

He thanked me humbly, and was about to go away, when Sergeant Corney took him by the hand as he said: "What's in the past can't be brought back for the fixin'; but we've got in our own keepin' the shapin' of the to-morrows.

That proves he was sent up here by that sneakin' Bud Rabig; fur what would the boy know about fixin' a trap if he didn't git guided?" Jerry picked up the drowned muskrat and examined it.

Yo'll have enough to do with yo' flowers and fixin's, and dressin' yourself up pretty.

Let us live a simple life on the farm, and not degrade its charms by adding city fixin's.

A carload of new furniture and "fixin's" was sidetracked at the junction, and McNutt was ordered to get it unloaded and carted to the farm without delay.

Furniture an' fixins, lemmee see!

Wal, when it comes to buyin' fixin's, Mis' Panel beats the world.

Surely, I'll answer you the truth without any fixin's.

If there's a new way fixin' ham-and, serve it out.

I never can remember just what those different stars-an'-stripes fixin's mean.

To tell the truth, it does look like a garden, and when I am sick I like to lie and look at what I did when I wasn't; my wreaths, and my crosses, and my vines, and my toadstools, and other fixins.

He knowed it wa'n't no use, but he dumb up on de chimbly en got down de go'ds en bottles en yuther cunjuh fixin's, en tried 'em all on hisse'f, but dey didn' do no good.

Den she 'mence' ter figger back, en sho' 'nuff, dey wuz two er th'ee times in de las' week w'en she 'd be'n he'pin' de ladies wid dey dressin' en udder fixin's in de ebenin', en Jeff mought 'a' gone down ter de swamp widout her knowin' 'bout it at all.

He was just fixin' to take the money, when his master got aware of it, and come on up just in time.

" Ethelyn would not wound Andy by telling him how little love had had to do with her unhappy marriage, and she remained silent for a moment, while Andy continued, "Be you disappointed herewith us, I mean, and the fixins?" "Yes, Anderson, terribly disappointed.

" "So do I. And how about that horse?" "Well, next day I was fixin' up the machine and foolin' aroundthat machine belonged to them tourists that the fella stuck upwhen along about sundown Buck Hardy comes swellin' up to me and tells me I'm under arrest.

I found a handy chink i' the rock to plant it in, an' a rovin' pain I had in my stomach while I was fixin' it.

I stan on de porch, fixin to run an meet her, when all of a sudden she be gone.

" "Well, put your chicken fixins an' cake right in yere.

An' then he come along a spell further, an' he sees two boys out with their ole father, an' they was settin' in a boat an' fixin' up their tackle, an' he asked 'em if they 'd jine him, too, an' they jest dropped all their things, an' left the ole man with the boat an' the fish an' the bait an' follered the preacher.

an' I was settin' in the boat, fixin' my lan'in' net, when I see him on the shore.

He's got adrift from his party, has lost his rod and fixins, and had to camp out last night in the Gin and Ginger Woods.

"Ye'll be mountin' a few furbelows and fixins, Rosey, I reckon, ez only natural.

She's got the things them opery women wears; this yer contains the he things, the duds and fixins o' the men o' the same stripe."

"Kalkilatin'," he remarked casually to his daughter, "you'd rather look arter your fixins, Rosey; I've left 'em till the last.

57 examples of  fixins  in sentences