29 examples of flandre in sentences

At the Port de Flandre the throngs were so dense they were impassable.

Honneur de Flandre.

The Rue de Flandre, the Rue de Puebla, and the Rue de Crimée were filled with strong detachments of Infantry; a battalion of the Republican Guard and the 35th Regiment of Infantry were drawn up in the neighbourhood of the Buttes Chaumont.

During the course of it I passed north of the Belgian lines and through the western sector of forts, that is to say, Fort St. Nicholas, Fort Haesdonck, and Fort Tete de Flandre.

That night and the next loads of English Red Cross busses with their households of pain and ether rumbled over the pontoon bridge across the Scheldt, went past Fort Tete de Flandre, and disappeared in the swampy meadows on the road to Ghent.

We arrived at Ghent about six in the afternoon of the 4th and had some difficulty in finding room, as the different hotels were filled with officers of the allied army; but at length, after many ineffectual applications at several, we obtained admission at the Hotel de Flandre, where we took possession of a double-bedded room, the only one unoccupied.

All night long men were marching byand in London they were still reading that it was but a "demonstration" the Germans were engaged in down the quay and across the pontoon bridgethe only way over the Scheldtover to the Tete-de-Flandres and the road to Ghent.

Without an instant's hesitation two soldiers threw off their knapsacks, plunged into the river, swam across the gap, clambered up on to the other portion of the bridge and, in spite of a heavy fire from the fort at the Tete de Flandre, dashed forward to reconnoitre.

Balzac's genius is in his titles as heaven is in its stars: "Melmoth Reconcilié," "Jésus-Christ en Flandres," "Le Revers d'un Grand Homme," "La Cousine Bette."

Flandre, un capitaine de cavalerie reçut l'ordre d'aller au fourrage avec sa compagnie.

FLANDRE, nom autrefois donné à un pays au nord-ouest de l'Europe.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

Maria, fille de Flandre.

C'est celui qu'à la première croisade prirent Robert, comte de Flandre; Robert, duc de Normandie; Hugues, frère du roi Philippe I'er, et Tancrède, prince de Tarente.

à portée d'y voir nos manufactures, et spécialement celles de Flandre, renommées dès-lors par leurs tapisseries.

Flandre déguisé, et y avoit vu mondit seigneur le duc, dont il disoit beaucoup de bien.

Je le croyois en Flandre, et en conséquence, voulant me rendre près de lui par les marches (frontières) de Bar et de Lorraine, je pris

"Thither came for exchange," says the most modern and most enlightened historian of Flanders (Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove, Histoire de Flandre, t. ii.

(Histoire de Flandre, by M, le Baron Kerwyn de Lettenhove, t. iii.

Sire, dit le Gantois, je voudrais être en Flandre.

m'en vais en Flandre, l'on mange du pain.

29 examples of  flandre  in sentences