17 examples of flattish in sentences

Opium, and its preparations, Laudanum, &c.Solid opium is mostly seen in the form of rich brown flattish cakes, with little pieces of leaves sticking on them here and there, and a bitter and slightly warm taste.

He came on until he topped the boulder, standing fully revealed upon its flattish top, the butt of his rifle resting on his boot.

It was a flattish affair and rectangular, the size and shape of an octavo volumea flat box, if not a book.

And I have a better proof of thisat least I should have in every gravel-pit at Eversleyin a few pieces of a stone which is not chalk-flint at all; flattish and oblong, not more than two or three inches in diameter; of a grayish colour, and a porous worm-eaten surface, which no chalk-flint ever has.

Here there was a flattish bit of maidan for about fifty yards before the path ascended, and crossed the face of slope and cliff.

Almost directly below us was one of our party, wearing a soft hat with a flattish brim.

Small, oblique, twinkling eyes, high cheekbones, flattish nose, and scanty moustache.

"Peggy" he began, in a flattish voice.

Choose a slope which has flattish ground below so that you have an easy out-run and nothing to make you nervous.

BODYCompact, straight back, ribs deep and well arched in the upper half of rib, presenting a flattish side appearance.

Shoulders broad, chest deep, ribs well sprung and oval shaped, giving a flattish appearance to the sides.

The porches are very small in relation to the great flattish expanse of masonry above them; the dullness of this was much relieved by the series of statues placed in the empty niches about the middle of the last century.

I think the prettiest thing in our house is a flattish bracket, fastened to the wall and filled with flowers; it looks like a graceful, meandering letter S and is one of the idols I bow down to....

As far as he could see stretched what looked like the roofs of a great town, for the most part flattish, but broken here and there, and especially towards the horizon, by tall buildings pierced with windows, and in three or four cases by church towers.

Then a flattish voice from within the house remarked: "Gee-whizz!" "Hullo!" said Redwood.

The Maori word "papa" is applied to any broad, smooth, flattish surface, as a door, or to a slab of rock.

Under the bark I found two new land-shells (to be described in the Appendix) one of them a flattish Helix, in prodigious numbersand this more than ever satisfied me that even the smallest islands and detached reefs of the north-east coast may have species peculiar to themselves, nor did I ever return from any one of the 37 upon which I landed without some acquisitions to the collection.

17 examples of  flattish  in sentences